Santander, first weekend

I'm surprised at how well I take to the food. There have been few things I just plain didn't like, including seafood. Dinner last night, with all the students and the profs, was a blast. Everything was new to me, and Laura made me try everything that came our way. She was a good influence that night. The wine so far doesn't please me but the sangria was mighty tasty. Most of the women were tossed by the end of dinner, but strangely I felt nothing after 3-4 glasses.

Speaking of women, I think I'm in love. Not with one girl, but all Spanish women. The legends of their beauty are true. You can see a girl, then see her face and realize she's 30 or 35, and it isn't even a problem because they're so gorgeous and age so well (to an extent). There's a couple cuties from UT in the program but as people they don't interest me.

As for the rest of th ekids on the trip... meh. They act like high schoolers. They're here to party. Today's trip to Picos de Europa and Potes, though amazing, felt like a field trip. I'm following them out tonight to experience the nightlife but I'm not looking forward to it. At the dinner last night I sat with the professors/guides, spoke only Spanish and felt better for it. I picked up a lot that night. If this night doesn't go well I might start staying in and wondering around on my own.

Maybe it's all culture shock. Maybe I need more sleep. But right now I don't feel incredibly happy. A few short notes:

Potes: a quaint little tourist town. Lots of shops for souvenirs, etc.
Picos: beautiful. Cable car to the mountaintop felt wonderful. Pictures were gorgeous.
Liebana: monastery was a humbling experience. Even more so was the monk who appeared while I stared at the ceiling, and proceeded to give a handful of us a history lesson.