So how's school going?

My usual class rundown:

-History of Religions of Asia: Interesting topic, boring class. Covers various forms of Buddhism (Indian, Chinese, Japanese), Hinduism, Shintoism.

-Intro to Japan: Interesting topic, boring class. Mostly history of Japan with some humanities thrown in.

-Japanese 3: Japanese as usual, but my 2-day-a-week TA is very amusing and I'm getting along well with some of the classmates. Was off to a rough start after I kept answering questions in Spanish, but 3 weeks in the rust is shaken off and I'm doing better than ever.

-American Technology and Victory in the Cold War: OK, this class rocks. It's taught by a famous aerospace guy named Hans Mark. Go ahead and Google him. On the first page of results: Deputy Administrator of NASA in the Reagan administration, Secretary of the Air Force in the Carter administration, UT professor in Aerospace, former Chancellor of the UT System, Director of Defense Research and Engineering in the DoD, worked at Livermore National Labs just after the development of the hydrogen bomb... you get the idea. This guy was the guy in the room at a lot of important times. Now take a look at the course title again. This guy was the one making that technology happen. It's a first-person historical account and *it rules*. You can go on and on just talking about what it's like to be in the room with this guy while he just freely imparts his knowledge on you, but I'll stop here.

-Legal Perspectives on the War on Terror: This is technically a Plan2 junior seminar, but I refer to it as "the law class" because it's taught by a UT law prof and most people take it as law school prep. It's a 3-hour class that goes 3 hours straight on Mondays only, and I freaking love it. The workload is the heaviest I've had in college short of World Lit, except this material is engaging and interesting and I can read more than 3 pages without falling asleep. The ridiculous workload doesn't even bother me, nor do I feel completely exhausted when stepping out after 3 hours' worth of class. What I do find is that I get so into the zone for this class that I lose my sense of time, ability to converse with people, all those wonderful little things. But when I'm in there, it's exciting, it's legal, it's rational, and I love love love it. Maybe this law school thing is a good idea for me.

So! I doubt I'll become a shut-in this semester, but I'll be working hard and earning my social time, which all in all isn't a bad thing.

Tomorrow, I'm shunning my homework responsibilities so I can go see The Dalai Lama! He's giving a speech, here at UT, and it's going to be downright fascinating. Yay for learning stuff and stuff!