So. Tired.

So very tired. A week's worth of sleep deprivation on top of adventures in these cities, with wonderful people, and little more than a bag full of clothes and travel toys, has left me running on empty for days straight. As soon as I hit Austin it'll be bedtime, despite being 3:00 in the afternoon. Too bad that's exactly when all my amigos from A-town show up.

I feel stupid for not getting Gabriela's number, even if I secretly swore never to go to NYC again.

Regardless, this trip was everything it needed to be. Not only did I catch up with people who are dear and not-so-near to me, but I have some direction with this whole law school thing. From where I stand now, it looks like I'm going to take a stab at getting an insane score on the LSAT and seeing if it'll get me into Harvard.