Speaking of walking...

My desire to walk has more selfish motivations than green ones, but I have had the whole 'green' thing on the brain lately.

For one, my stock-market-tanked-so-lets-get-investing money is thinking green. I imagine that a few entrepreneurs will start offering green electricity and that the suppliers of that infrastructure (solar panels, etc.) will become their own market sector for the first time. After that there will be more green industries for water, building and remodeling, industrial consulting, and anything else that Prez Obama might have the wisdom to subsidize in order to jump-start this big goal of his. I'm betting that some big player will emerge overnight with a glorious IPO and Jim Cramer will tell everyone to buy it the day after it jumps 500%.

I've thought about getting myself in on the ground floor, too. A lot of the schools I'm applying to offer Environmental Policy or something or other, which combined with a mild business education may be just the ticket into this little industry.

I never saw myself declaring a major in something labeled Environmental - much less as a grad student - but my huge nerdiness for technology somehow got funneled into thinking all this stuff is way cool.
