Spring Break nearing!

And I couldn't be happier. I've got a lot on my plate for the break, and my brain has already checked out, which is a bad combination. I just did my last homework assignment a couple hours ago, so the only thing I've got left is sitting through two days of classes then I'll be free to come home. I'll be home Friday or Saturday, I'm really just playing it by ear. On the agenda:

-Play lots of GT4 on a comfy couch instead of this god-awful dorm chair. And with ale and kracker.
-Get a new damn pair of shoes.
-Yay for home food.
-Contemplate my P2 thesis. Today I met for Sophomore Advising with a P2 Math professor, who thought my idea for a video-game related thesis was a really good idea. It was a huge confidence boost to know that my idea grabbed somebody's attention, and might contribute something to P2, the gaming world, and the masses yearning to be entertained all at once.
-Do a lot of reading for Physics, blow off Philosophy reading.
-Get some stuff done on the car, it'll be having its 1st birthday on the day classes start back, so it's time for an oil change and some other minor maintenance.
-Go see TJ (who's now engaged to a hottie - suck it, everyone who thought he was gay), and get this mop on top of my head shortened.
-Lots of Starbucks runs.
-Lots of wasting time at Thomas's house.
-Not freak out about the fact that this chick I'm talking to is gonna be in *Vegas* while I'm sittin' around at home.
-Contemplate Europe. I've told a handful of people already, but since air travel around the continent is cheap, I'm looking into visiting some friends who are gonna be in Italy at the same time, and I've just started the preliminary work on seeing automotive Mecca: it's in Germany, but it ain't just some ordinary assembly plant. And if there's time and I know my way around well enough, I'll make a secondary objective of hitting Maranello.