Sunday night

spinning: Coldplay - Trouble

Day at the beach was beautiful. Every view is amazingly European. The beach is lovely and clean, the water is a deep blue (and too damn cold), and you can see more Spanish towns several miles away across the water. Upon soaking that in all day, it began to sink in that I'm actually in Europe. My impression deepened when I watched a Spanish sitcom. The TV here is truly entertaining. News is informative, fluff pieces are amusing, and the countless car commercials keep me interested when I can't understand what's going on. The food situation, however, is getting worse. I'm starting to feel comfortable with life, so I expect naturally some more comfy food. Not so. Carlos asks if I like every single thing, and whenever I say no now he offers to make French fries. They're very tasty, but I can't sink to that low of pickiness. I'll be better, maybe, once class starts and I can have a routine of simpler food. In my case, I'm looking forward to class so I can pick up some more of the language. Having a routine will be easier, too. Up to now has been pure vacation, but tomorrow it'll actually be study abroad.

Did I mention I'm in love with Spanish women?