The Christmas Post

It's been a good one after all. The weather's nice and almost close to thinking about being wintry, I talked to my old man, and after 20 minutes of his presence, my grandfather has driven my mom completely insane. But I made out pretty darn well, I say. Here's the obligatory booty list:

Yamaha FG413SL left-hand acoustic guitar
TKL case (it's really nice), Takamine strings, bag of medium picks
$20 to Starbucks
$25 to Best Buy
$200 cash
Tom Clancy's Teeth of the Tiger
The Pythons' Autobiography (as in Monty Python)
Eddie Izzard's Dress to Kill on DVD

The BB certificate's getting my Gamecube broadband adapter (bring on the hacking!) and the cash is going into a PS2 modchip and probably a new HD for my little box, which means every part is brand spankin' new. Oh, I could probably use some new clothes while I'm at it.

Merry Christmas, you materialistic bastards!