The class review

So I've been here two weeks. And I still haven't been to one of my classes, but I'll review the rest:

-World Lit (English): I hate it. I hate hate hate literature, and I also hate hate hate the arrogant bitches who teach it. It's going to be a rough semester. The first problem was my choice of professor. I signed up for a woman named Elizabeth Scala, thinking it was the wonderful British woman named Elizabeth who I had met a year ago. Instead of a Brit, I got a short squatty Brooklyn native who's really full of herself. Oh, and it's a two-semester course. It's going to be a rough year.
-US History since 1877: My only regulars class is one of my favorites. The prof is a really neat guy named Stoff. He's got the approach to history I always hoped for and thought I'd never find: the little stories that don't get told in textbooks.
-Plan II Biology: Thank God, it's not another stupid memorization bio class. This goes light on the boring freshman year bio stuff and focuses mostly on current events, like ethics and current questions. The first lecture in the class was on the navigational abilities of birds. The next covered a lot of sexual reproduction stuff but the discussion session between described the link between cell phones and cancer (it's not entirely there yet, though possible).
-Logic: What a friggin cool class. It's nothing but brain teasers and complex rules that describe everything. My final will be tough (I have to invent a new language/process of logic) but I'm looking forward to the challenge.
-America from the Outside: Haven't taken it, but the prognosis is bad. The prof sent out an email assigning 45 pages of reading and a two-page paper due the first meeting of class. What's more, two of the three key perspectives on the country aren't even from the outside - they're from the Federalist papers and a modern pundit. Sigh.

All in all, I can't complain. The work gets done, I'm ahead of the class, and I still get plenty of time for fun. Life is grand.