The Dalai Lama..

wins the award for "Most Infectious Smile Ever." While his lecture wasn't far off from what I expected (the gist: the root of all good is inner strength, from which follows peace of mind), and I liked that, I felt the most refreshed by his huge smile and grateful acceptance of the audience's applause. When he laughs, you can't possibly avoid laughing too. I truly suspect that his laugh was half of the lesson. While a lot of people might not get the philosophy behind his teachings, everyone can understand 'Laugh more. Smile more.'

The ability to laugh and smile takes a lot more than appears on the surface. For instance, it takes self-confidence to smile and self-awareness to laugh at yourself. That's two huge steps toward the kind of good individual qualities that the Dalai thinks can result in peace if everyone had them. I'm inclined to agree. While it may not give us world peace, it does at least make for a few more cool people in the world.