Supposedly the "new word going into the dictionary this year" is unfriend, the teen-drama word referring to the removal of friends from Facebook and other social networks.
Unfortunately, they got it wrong. It's defriend. Nobody says unfriend, not even 16-year-olds with questionable grips on grammar.
As of yesterday, I had 770 Facebook friends. That's a smidge too many. Once you start asking "who is that person?" or "have I had any contact, let alone meaningful contact, with that person in 5 years?", you know it's time to cull the list.
Don't worry: if you're the kind of person who reads this stuff, you're not defriended. I'm mainly talking about people I met once at meetings or parties during college and never contacted again.
After a quick look through my list last night, I managed to bring my list down to 699, but I feel like that's not enough.
There are certain things that you've gotta do about once a year: a thorough house cleaning, IM your oldest online contacts, clean up your computer, and now, clean out your Facebook Rolodex.