The Plan for Thanksgiving (tm)

The break is a week away, amigos. It's time to talk what we're going.

I'll be starting things off.

I'm in a-town (or considerably close): Monday night through Sunday (yes, Monday! I rule!)
Family committments? none
Black Friday? Quite possibly. Need some new speakers and Wii toys, and possibly new hardware (see below)
What else must be done: Watch the South Park movie at Thomas's, play Wii (and PS3, if any of you fuckers actually get one and a half-decent game, gl), have a hardware day (in which we fix my computer and modify our DSs), and play some damned ssb.

So it's on you guys. Copy/paste that paragraph above, fill in the blanks as necessary, and comment.

REALLY IMPORTANT UPDATE: Mongolian. Wednesday. Meet there at 12:30.