The Pop Culture moment

So I'm back in Dallas and happily enjoying the relaxation and Christmas mood. I spent the first couple of days just watching TV and movies and such and now I'm easing back into the techie world. Here are my thoughts on random things I've encountered lately:

Blink-182's self-titled album: My first reaction was "WTF." My next reaction was that they should've stolen John Mayer's title "Heavier Things." He didn't deserve it anyway. Actually, Blink's should be called "Heavier Shit" just because. Everyone says it's a serious album. Fine. I can appreciate serious musicians. But why, Blink, why?! When I wanted fun and irreverence in my music, I turned straight to Blink and no other band. Even if it turns out to be a great album (so far I'm equating lots of it to the rest of the same lame pop-punk shit that's on the radio) I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that they stopped having fun. Something's wrong here. Seriously.

Michelle Branch going whore: It's kind of like finding out your innocent junior-high girlfriend is a porn star. You still watch her trashy, trashy stuff, and you find it incredibly hot, but you can't help but feel bad for the good little innocent girl inside who is no longer. BTW, the track I've heard off her new CD (a set of remixes to the new single 'Breathe') is craptacular. I think they're going to try to make a club-song-hit-generator star out of her and it's going to be sad.

The Bens: You guys heard about this? Ben Folds, Ben Harper, and Ben Kweller formed a singer-songwriter trio and cut a 4-track demo EP. Sign me up.

24: Keeps getting better.

Return of the King: Amazing. Best of the 3 movies by far. Incredible ending. Doesn't feel at all like 3.5 hours. Go see it, and in a good theater - the sound's incredible.

Mr. Game & Watch: He's officially my character in SSB.

New Crystal Method: OK, I admit, I've only listened to "Born Too Slow," which owns. But that makes me happy.

Need for Speed Underground: I'll do a review on this eventually, but I enjoy it.

Max Payne 2: Yeah, I finally finished it. Loved it.

Hardware: I'm contemplating going the softmod route - get a 9500 and mod it into a 9700 or getting a 9800SE and modding it into a 9800.

Home: What a nice place.