The Real World

I've been missing the Austin season of the TV show, but that's because I'm busy tinkering with other variations on the actual real world. Allow me to introduce:

Blake's 10-day WoW experiment
"What the hell, blakerson, YOU'RE playing WoW?" Yeah, for 10 days. I've needed to try something new in gaming for a while and this sounded like the perfect way to accomplish that just before Quakecon, while seeing what all the hubbub is about. I think we're currently on Day 4 or so. At the end of the 10 days, I'll write up the more interesting bits and eventually try to figure out what I really think about this MMORPG nonsense. At this point, I think Blizzard has made a fantastic game, but I fail to see what's so ridiculously addictive about it. More at the end of the 10 days.

The Real World: get a job!
The thought of law school has been on my mind recently. I'm in a law class this coming semester to see if I can really pull it off. And if I do, I think I've found the perfect job: Google International Corporate Lawyer. Do many kinds of legal things (yay lack of forced specialization), and on the requirements are 'sense of humor' (good for lawyers) and 'foreign language skills strongly desired.' And to top it all off, it's at the Mountain View campus, out in sunny CA, with those fantastic benefits and neat campuses and stuff. Sign me up, I say.