The tournament is complete

And it was successful! We had 12 competitors and our final winner was Gus, who's on a 3-tournament championship streak if I remember correctly. Blowing everyone away in second place was John Martone, who ownerized with Dr. Mario all the way through the loser's bracket, took second place and $20, only to lose to me in the Grudge Match between us which will now exist forever and ever. Alex and I decided on the way home that we have indeed been passed up by the juniors, who we once owned early into the competitive history of the game.

Afterwards, there was coffee to be had with Michael's sister (yeah, Strange Michael - his sister's pretty smart) and her friend Sarah, who had my attention for a healthy part of the night. I never thought I'd end up meeting an interesting girl at Apex, much less on a tourney night, but hey - variety's a wonderful thing. This Sarah (not the previously mentioned one who got me into the swingin' sounds of Mr. Mayer) and I have the strangest things in common, particularly our tastes for music. We spent a lot of the night trading back and forth obscure artists and song names that typically no one else has heard of. For those who weren't there, this part will weird you out: she's taller than me.

On to more pressing issues, the John Mayer concert is in fact tonight, and I'm extremely excited. Rumor has it he's not feeling well, which means he'd play a short set, but we're hoping he's well enough to play for at least an hour. Hell, he could guitar solo for three hours for all I care, he's that damn good at it. It's off to prepare for concerting.