To Colorado!

In my previous post about Blizzard I alluded to having a different summer job. 

This is it.

I'm working on All Points Bulletin, which is basically Grand Theft Auto Online. If you're reading on my proper website, here's a YouTube video with some promo stuff on it:

I'm doing some business-y stuff, some data manipulation, some economic analysis, and even a touch of finance. If I were working full-time, my job description would look like this.

So this means that I'll be in Boulder, CO, for the summer. I was a little hesitant at first, considering it's not the west coast, but I've been convinced to be psyched for it for several reasons:

-Nice weather
-Everyone's outdoorsy and eats well and is, not surprisingly, gorgeous. I need to get into this culture and try to do the same. I'm pudgy. :3
-Mom spent her 20s in this area and considers it the prime of her life.
-It's looking like I'll be living with family friends as a boarder. I'm starting to like this idea. I could use the presence of some good people, and a house, and dogs. The sensation of family is one I very rarely get, and I don't mind getting a dose of it this summer.

I'm really, really psyched to be in the industry in a respectable, serious position. 

And by the way - I have this job thanks to the one and only Nick Sivo. So Nick, I owe you like 20 beers. There are other people who deserve huge thanks as well, but the ball never would've been rolling if Nick hadn't thought of me when his VC partner needed a gamer. You've just jump-started my career, dude. <3
