Today I took the LSAT.

It's most likely the only time I'll ever take it. One morning down, and my future is largely decided.

I find out my score in 3 weeks.

I have no idea how I did on the test. I probably did decently and it'd be an odd twist of fate if I did really really well or really really badly.

I really feel like I have to readjust to life without it the test hanging over my head. I'm sure with time I'll feel relieved that it's over, but right now it's kind of hard to let go of the stress and the tension. It's kinda like Stockholm Syndrome, but with a test, and I was only figuratively a hostage.

My brain is still in test mode, my social skills are still awkward, and I'll probably stay this way for a couple more days while the ridiculous amount of caffeine I've ingested works its way out of my system. If I can feel anything right now, it's relief that I'll get back to a normal sleep schedule.

Oh, and one more thing: I've gotten a huge, huge outpour of support and love from friends and family all over the world, including some truly thoughtful messages from people who normally don't do that kind of thing, like my mom's boyfriend. To everyone who ever said so much as a "good luck" - thanks. I had you guys in mind when I stepped out the door this morning, ready to take on one of my life's most pivotal days.