Turkey Day, sans-turkey

So I spent 6 days back in A-town to take a break from the insanity that has been school. I melted down last Monday during my presentation and basically had a caffeine-overdosed-crash right in the middle of it. I had spent the entire last week being wired as hell on espresso in preparation for that presentation, and it really bummed me out that I shot myself in the foot on it. So I drove home, ready to get in some quality rest time, and that's exactly what I got. I didn't go out much, instead wasting time indoors doing things like this:

-A family-less, turkey-less Thanksgiving. And it rocked. See, when Mom moved to the south side of town a few months ago, the new house came with a nifty grill built-in outdoors - and she's been anxious to use it. Since Mom hates the T-day traditions of family nonsense and turkey and stuffing, and I could care less, we threw it all out and busted out with the grill. The resulting feast was steak, chicken, salmon, and veggie kabobs, all grilled to perfection. Probably the best T-day meal I've ever had. I spent the next 48 hours:

-Watching football. I've really been converted into a true-blue college ball fan. Screw the NFL, but I'm decently keeping tabs on what's going on in the NCAA, mostly due to the semester I've had with these roommates of mine. I also:

-Finishing one of my two major papers. A draft at least, but that's the vast majority of the work on that one done. I'm starting the other one tomorrow and hopefully cranking that one out with the help of (just a little) espresso within the next two weeks. One of the fun parts of the weekend was:

-Looking at law schools. I went through all the propaganda I grabbed at the UT Law School Fair a couple weeks back, and I found that a lot of schools allow 'majors' (because law school still comes with specific areas of study) in technology, which is what I'm pretty sure I wanna do. After some propaganda reading, here's my short list, with Texas as a last-ditch backup: Harvard, Columbia, Stanford, Berkeley. It's a pretty ambitious list, but I'm really putting a lot of faith in my transcript and my LSAT score to maybe sell myself to these places. Here's what I didn't do in town:

-Go out. My apologies to everyone I missed out on quality time with, including everyone at Graham's party, Harsimar, and Andrea. I slept. A lot. In fact, even coffee couldn't keep me awake. But I'll be seeing alllll you guys come Christmas break.

I just found out I'm done on December 19th (wayyy late this year, UT scheduling change), so I'll be home probably on the 21st (after taking a few days to waste time in Austin - errr, go Christmas shopping) and staying until quite some time later in January.