
Back from Quakecon. A lot of things happened for bad and good and it's really too heavy for me right now to reminisce on the fantastic weekend that went down. So I'll do some small business:

-Pulled roughly 15GB of stuff. English DVD-quality dubs of Cowboy Bebop (so I'm not a purist, fuck off!) and about 12.5 GB of new MP3s. Mostly ambient techno but managed to get fixed versions of a few albums I had broken as well as the absolute best mp3 I've grabbed in a long, long time: the Daft Punk Essential Mix. If you're a fan, you have to have this thing. Send me an IM for the hookup.
-Tried to install Red Hat out of curiosity. As always, a mistake. Now I'm missing 10 gigs of hard drive space and I can't make Partition Magic undo its own work.
-Running on Knoppix right now and it's damn cool. Knoppix is a Linux distro based on Debian that runs directly off a bootable CD. So just burn the CD, boot from it, and after about 2 minutes you're up and running in KDE3 with fully functional copies of WINE and OpenOffice among all the usual stuff (Gaim, Mozilla [eww]) and even really cool desktop games! Really, there's an open-source version of every good classic arcade game. Oh, and it reads FAT/NTFS partitions so you can pull over all your MP3s and keep listening. Best of all, once you reboot your computer is 100% back to normal as if you had never run Linux in the first place. So yeah, if you'rwanting to tinker, fuck Red Hat, grab Knoppix.
-Finally some downtime now that I'm home. This week is relax and do chores week and I'm thankful for the slow times after going nonstop for a week. Time to crank up the chill tunes and get some good stuff done.