Updates to old posts

Reading: finished Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them, and promptly made a donation to the Democratic National Convention. This book was the kick in the pants every propaganda-spewing ultra-conservative needed to receive, and it was the perfect bit of guidance for the easily-misled masses out there. If the other blogs haven't convinced you to go read this book yet, do it now. It made a world of difference when watching the State of the Union.

I got the new Clancy book Tooth of the Tiger for Christmas, but I don't know when I'll find the time to start on it. I'm hoping it was as fun to read as R6 was.

Class reviews, after one week:

World Lit, pt 2 - going to be impossible, just like last semester. Let's hear it for the struggle for a B! But the good of it is I'll come out able to handle any bitchy research class, and I'll be done with English!
Jazz Appreciation - liking it. Might be challenging for the kind of work involved (two mandatory concert reviews, stuff like that) but it'll be worth it just to be one of those cool guys who knows his jazz.
History 315K - according to everyone I've talked to about it, this class has blow-off written all over it. The reading seems easy, and I plan on doing it for safety's sake, but... yeah.
Spanish 312L - Jesus Christ, this class is stupid easy. I would test out of it but the test isn't offered again until April, so I'll just tough it out and get some oral practice. (heh heh, he said oral practice)
Plan II Math - I ***love*** this class, even if it's obvious that most P2ers hate math with a passion. Patrick, my World Lit buddy, is scared of the class and I'm happy to be able to help him for a change.

Just pretend I have something witty to close this mostly informational post. It's 3AM and I must be... tired.