Wait, I interviewed with Square Enix?

Last weekend in Tokyo was the JET Program Job Fair, an exercise in rounding up 300 socially awkward JET members in front 30 of the sleaziest people I've ever seen in Japan, promising employment to people desperate to stay in Japan for whatever reason.

Why did I go? Good question. Curiosity, I guess. Hint for future JET participants: don't go.

Square Enix was the only game company on hand, and I sat down at their booth to ask a question; something along the lines of, "Do you have openings in marketing? Do you do events?" This turned into a short conversation, which turned disdainful once my Square rep learned that I had only played Final Fantasy X. (Although in retrospect, I have also played 7, 8, 12, parts of Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG, but they didn't exactly spring to mind.)

Today I received a lovely little email from somebody in Square HR. Turns out I had interviewed with them and not known it. And been turned down for "a job" at Square. What job that would have been, I have no clue. While I generally disagree with posting private conversations or emails, this is just too good to pass up.

Dear Blake Ellison-san

Thank you for visiting the booth of SQUARE ENIX. in the finding JET employment fair for the other day.

Result of in-house examination,it became no interview to you as the next step.

I am very sorry for not rewarding your apply.

But,we are very pleased with your interest to SQUARE ENIX.

We hope that you get job worth doing.

Thank you.


