What the hell I've been up to

A lot happened while I was spending all my time splurging my orientation experiences. Here's a recap:

-I have a new car. Mom was in the market for a new set of wheels for herself, but she ran into a problem: her old car, a 2002 Camry SE, was badly financed so it had no worth on a trade-in. In fact, it would pull her down because she owed more than the car was actually worth. Yay American financial system. After a bit of shopping, she listened to my recommendation, test drove, and fell in love with a BMW 325i. As it turned out, my car (1998 Camry) was worth more on a trade-in because she had more equity in the car since it was paid off. So now that all is said and done, Mom has her 325 and I have the Camry SE. It's treating me very well, less than 7000 miles, will be good to take to Austin and so on. I'd like it to perform a little better, though, so maybe next summer I'll put some money into the suspension and wheels/tires.

-I have a laptop. Dell completely tried to pooch-screw me, so I turned around and cancelled everything on them and ordered a Sharp UM-10. It's slim, sleek, and sexy as hell. It can even play Counter-Strike! It's great for small LAN parties (like one I went to last week for a few hours) and things like writing while outside enjoying my view, or writing from bed.

-I have a job. I'm back at the same communications firm as last year, working less and making less money. I've already decided, though, that I'm going to apply to be an Orientation Advisor at UT next summer, which means I'd stay in Austin and get free rent and food and essentially get paid to live in Jester for 10 weeks and run the show at Orientation.

-I have a ticket to the John Mayer concert on Saturday, July 26th. If anyone's interested in accompanying me, give me a shout.

On to new thoughts and developments:

-I am a friggin' cool writer sometimes. I looked back through my archives after completing the new template and I've been really impressed with some of the stuff I wrote one and two years ago. I'm going through a major off phase, but it's because I'm uninspired and exhausted as hell.

-My next car *has* to be a 3-series. What a perfect freakin' car.