Wow, I was smart as a freshman.

Check out my writing from 4 years ago:
This won me some money.

The point of the essay was to write a retrospective history on the war in Iraq from the year 2013. Keep in mind that this was written in summer 2003 - and "mission accomplished" was "declared" in May 03.

I was wrong about one thing. The Democrats didn't win in '04. You may also think "hey, wait, Al Qaeda did show up in Iraq," but you'd be wrong. The guys that are shooting at and blowing up our vehicles are not Al Qaeda, and the whole label of "Al Qaeda in Iraq" is a name we made up to justify the invasion. I'm not saying they don't belong to some kind of big extremist family that includes Al Qaeda, but that network has grown so big, with such blurred lines, that to say that it's them in Iraq is a misnomer.

I expect I'll be wrong about Americans getting attacked at the Beijing Olympics, too.

But it won't be long before I'm right about Dick Cheney. Read the paper to find out what happens to him.

Sadly, my writing was pretty much downhill from here across my college career. Thankfully, my thesis is shaping up to be a reclamation of my older, good writing style. That'll be readable come May.