Yay birthdays!

So the 21st birthday turned out way better than expected. I even went out two nights to hit up bars! If you're curious about what I did, here's a rundown:

Friday night: Went out with Roberto and a mass of various Latino boys and girls who I didn't know before that night. All in all, it was myself, Berto, a French exchange student, and 7 Mexican girls. Fine times were had by all, and between midnight and 2:00AM we managed to find 3 or 4 bars where I was given birthday shots. Everyone was nice, the parties were great, and the pictures are even good - if I ever get any sent to me. For Austinites, here's where I went: Copa, Barcelona, and one more place I can't remember.

Saturday: Spent all day with Joshvar, and Ruthie, and various amigos of theirs/ours. The ladies were even nice enough to serve the best dessert ever: Ghirardelli brownies with Birthday Cake ice cream on top. That, and a day full of football and Nintendo DS goofiness, made for an awesome day while my roomies were off judging debate. They also took me out barhopping, which was a little bit more chill of a night than the night out with the Mexis, but it was just as well spent with some true amigos. I went to: Aquarium, Library, Apple Bar, and Saba. Apple Bar and Saba were away from 6th, over in the warehouse district, which I liked quite a lot. The bars over there seem to be much more chill while still being loud and fun. Basically, there's none of the shady characters that you see all the time on 6th. It's my kind of place far.

Today: Woke up tired of drinking, still drunk, dizzy, and hungover all at once. But I didn't throw up this weekend (a sign that I did it just right, imo) and once I was over the hangover, I was off to meet my law professor. That meeting was pretty forgettable, but shaking off a hangover to go meet a professor on a Sunday perfectly characterizes my weekend in 10 words or less.

This week I get to spend working my ass off to finish the papers I've gotta get worked up, but on the coming weekend there are plenty of parties to be had, including mine on Saturday. See you guys here! And for everyone who helped me celebrate the birthday proper, thank you! You made it a time to remember.