Yeah, it's my 21st birthday, so what?

So today is another day where my system of day and night (where it's not 'tomorrow at midnight kekeke') works to my advantage, because I'll be celebrating my 21st birthday a day early. Tonight at midnight, they'll start letting me into bars (because it's the next day! haw!), so I'm going with a couple of friends to do the 6th Street nonsense tonight so that I can spend the rest of the time celebrating with my all-aged friends.

But as far as I'm concerned, this birthday hasn't even started yet and it's already annoying as hell. Everyone's telling me that I have to drink until my liver falls out and to 'Enjoy it! You only turn 21 once!' Everyone wants to drink with me, but separately, which would involve something like 80 drinks, going by the number of people I've invited to my party next weekend. On the stingy end of the spectrum, my mom's called me 3 times today alone to remind me to take it easy, and that UT sent me a birthday card saying "Happy birthday - don't die - here's a pamphlet - Call 911 if you are unconscious."

Everyone, please, just shut the fuck up. This is the day where I get to call the shots, right? Stop telling me what to do and not to do. I'm going out for a drink tonight and spending the next two weekends chillin' with people I like, knocking back Jack and Cokes and that's what I call a celebration. So please. Just stop.