
well, i felt it was about time to start writing again, and as always i'm far too lazy to do any actual coding, so i'll just stick to the ol' blogger for a while. maybe i'll tinker with the colors or graphics or something to make it look pretty.

ah, the number of truly brilliant ideas that have gone to waste because i haven't been writing.

sickness: i have mono. not from kissing anyone, even. i have a smorgasbord of symptoms, and i think some voodoo guy in the caribbean is rolling a pair of dice to see which ones i'll wake up with each morning.

school: what a pain in the ass. every day is a separate struggle, with nothing connecting things from day to day. sometimes i forget why i'm even there.

games: good old quake really is home, i guess. joined a capture the flag team, went to quakecon, had a great time, and playing the game on a regular basis with the coolest bunch of DDR lovin' freaks i know.
DDR = dance dance revolution. learn it. love it.

warp: we are reasonable people. the name of the aforementioned capture the flag team. composed entirely of players from texas, and by far the most fun i've ever had playing quake. having cool teammates rox my sox.

girls: yeah, so that abby chick is out of the picture. i didn't think of it much at the time when she asked what kind of car i drove. later, i realized that women give themselves away by the kinds of questions they ask right after meeting a dude. and since i'm back in school, i am once again convinced that i go to school with mostly a large mass of snobby, stuck-up, generally bitchy girls. there are a few exceptions, but there are no heroes.

the world's population distribution is as follows: 50% female, 49% male, 1% undecided/unknown. if there are 3 billion females, why is it as hard as it is to find a girl who's just what you're looking for?

and on that topic, is it so much to ask for a girl who's nice, cute, smart, caring, funny, not easy, and doesn't drink too much? :~(


whee. i'm using the brand spankin' new blogger system, which absolutely rocks for news stuffages. unfortunately, it can only handle one database at a time, so no about/stuff/photos/etc. until the new site is online. we're waiting for hosting, which aroon should have the hookup for. once we get that, i'll add a few changes to the old design and we'll be done with v4.5. until then, there's just a little bit of junk here so i can keep writing my random shiz.

girls: abby is my hero. the vital stats: brown eyes, brown hair, and yes. (yeah, i know what you're asking). she's nice.
more girls: check the 'chelle' link off to the left. this girl probably gets a friggin ton of fan mail, but she has a caffeine addiction almost as strong as mine, so much respect.

games: max payne is complete and total ownage.