
i think i'm liking austin more and more.

i keep telling myself that a certain someone can't be luring me along. and i try to remember that an uncertain better someone is in houston, at a highly prestigious school that i have a moderate chance of getting in to.

but then everyone's luring me there: my teammates, my love for music (anything besides the blaring 'hiphop' noise that pervades h-town, dog), my talking pocketbook - i mean, mom, my want to come back to my beautiful home despite the fact that it won't ever be the same after i leave, my brother who's likely to be down there for my freshman year holed up making jazz music somewhere, my potential salary as a double-major...

and my recurring thought that a certain someone and i would make a great team.


oh ya, forgot to mention - new website in the not-too-distant future. and the wack pictures will be back.



to god, the fella upstairs, the head honcho, zeus, or any other supernatural that determines the course of my life:

fuck you.

is there some reason why you make people cancel on me with no notice? is there some reason why i am the sole person left alone on the big day of togetherness? is there some reason why i get to sit and watch other people act happy while i can't even fake it?

you want me to be antisocial? great. you got your fucking wish. i'll destroy you if it takes my entire life.


strangely, i already listen to Muzak.

apparently i'm a very, very old man.

new discovery of the weekend, thanks to the lovely folks at fragwire for allowing me to be at the tourney where i found a full collection of the oh-so-swank british singer on their servers. ladies and gentlemen, the Swank Artist of the Week� is:


i want to get back to gaming writing. perhaps i'll have something real come up soon.


blake, you're a Poet!

Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types � your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Poet which means you are a Thinker / Golden. Your primary sub-type is defined by "Thinker" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Golden" characteristics.

You are not afraid of asserting yourself or your ideas, and people often look to you as a model of how they wish they could be. You're motivated to do a good job, and people know you're a solid, reliable person who can take the heat.

You're complex, artistic, and misunderstood. You enjoy a rich inner life. You're often seen sitting alone in a caf�, scribbling thoughts in a journal. Or maybe leafing through the pages of some dusty, arcane novel from the 17th century. You're shy and quiet, and you enjoy peaceful, comfortable environments. When you get older, you're going to listen to Musak.


i have decided that i want to be incubus. all 5 of them. at once.

i want to look cool in a hoodie (jose)
i want to be able to belt on high notes (brandon)
i want to be chill with mike (everyone except mike)
i want to play guitar again (mike)
i want to pwn the turntables (kilmore)
i want to have a porn star name (dirk)
i want to be absolutely frickin' good looking without a shirt on or with long hair(brandon)

look at them. look around that first page.. find the spot where mike's hammering his guitar to 'under my umbrella' (undoubtedly the best song on the new album). find the spot where mike and brandon are enjoying themselves under a recording microphone.

i need to be in a band. i could have stayed with daniel and sang with them back when they sucked. and now they own. and there's a chance they can wind up famous - they're better than anyone playing at dreamworld, that's for sure.

but i wouldn't have been screaming 'make yourself' or hammering out the riffs on 'under my umbrella' or 'privilege,' much less 'shaft!' no, no, had i been a member of sungafatt, i woulda been singing cheerfully about pot and the fact that girls are evil. nor would i have long hair, a porn star name, turntables, high notes, or a hoodie.

no. incubus is purely incubus. and they are not me.