
Welcome to some certain readers to whom I'm showing this website as a demonstration of technical prowess. :)

Technical prowess... It's sort of a manly thing, not to mention the fact that I just picked back up working out two days ago. I'm irresistable.

I could go into some ridiculous philosophical diatribe on masculinity, but I think I'll spare the crowd until the certain readers are done looking here.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

P.S. - Yes, I can use the upper case when I so desire.


agh. school really, really sucks.

i have one of those days when i'm feeling funny (it's an inside joke, if you're not in 5th history do *not* ask) and so i make it to choir and everyone who doesnt understand the joke is like 'wtf, idiot'.

so then i go to vocal jazz rehearsal, aka rehearsal with 13 elitist snobs who are still in 'wtf, idiot' mode. even the nice, understanding ones. the only person who understood the joke stood up for me, which was nice enough, but in the end it wasn't enough to keep me from going into 'i hate everyone' mode.
but i talked to someone quite special and then ran off without her reassurance that everything would be ok - time to watch west wing instead.
but i felt better anyway.


man, coming back from spring break is not fun. i spent a good 11 days completely vegetating and loving every second of it. so i come back, i have to work, most of the interesting people arent available to chat because they're working too, and all of a sudden i hate a sizeable portion of my mp3 collection. already killed off close to a gig.

coming back from spring break is just not fun at all.

ergh. i'm too irritable and whiny at the moment. i wish i could think of witty / readable things to say, but im really killing off posts so the demo on friday doesnt show anything offensive right off the bat.

because that would be bad.


wooooooooooo hooooooo!

ja wohl!

a prom date is mine!

so i'm taking katy. not the slut katy, the nice katy. the one who has a heavenly voice and just got into cornell, and is really nice to boot.

asked her today after school. she said yes with a big smile and broke out laughing.

""whats so funny?""
""i was afraid no one was going to ask me.. i talked to my friend just the other night and said to him 'if no one asks me, will you come?' he said 'don't worry, someone will ask you.'""
sarcastically, she added, ""yeah, like tomorrow.""

she laughed some more and smiled again.