
Congrats! In your life, you'll have sex with

3 people!

And you'll first have sex at age 20,
in your own bed.

The info on your 3 future sex partner(s):
3 of them will be female
0 of them will be male
And you will actually love 3 of them!
Prepare yourself for a long and fruitful relationship.

yay.. i actually kinda wanted to hear that.

20.. that means i'll likely be in austin (take heed: blake's visiting 3 weeks from friday), and i'll find a chick in my middle years of plan2. not a bad plan, altogether.


news flash!

if you are in ap us history, there IS NOT A TEST TOMORROW. it got cancelled because 7th period didn't know about it. go fig. the cards, however, are still due.

all in favor of me getting a 'frontier psychiatrist' poster? leave a comment in the new comments page: now you can post without registering.

in other news: dear lord, how the trip to houston will suck. i really don't want to go one bit. way to mess up a weekend. i've now hit super-busy mode in school. don't expect me to be able to do things with you as i have many, many ap tests to take on top of musical things and other developments in yet-to-be-named departments.

and if you inquire into any of those unnamed things, you will receive a severe beating.


if you don't play games, just stop reading now. because there's an inside joke involved. by the same token, if you play games and don't know what #stickmen is, again, stop reading.


it's a dgd sighting!

[image on old website]

very stylish; we accept no less from the doggod.



i've got a complete blank.

i can't stop thinking about how excited i am to be playing on a *good* castle wolfenstein team, how there's a girl who i like quite a bit, and how insanely tired i am for a 3-day weekend.

funny how all the times you remember in life are the ones where you're always tired. i guess it's a sign that you're living life to the fullest.

tomorrow is easter. oddly enough, i actually agreed to go with claire to her church sometime. me, at church. oh well, she and i get along. and she has morals. perhaps her friends do. i wish i had known her better all these years.

[image on old website]


once upon a time, it was necessary for me to make a very quick post on the fly to show that my database system actually worked.

this is all that remains.