
We are looking at a schedule of 25 to 30 hours per week for you -- depending on the workload we have this summer. Your hours each day would be 10:00 to 5:00 with an hour for a lunch break (10 to 5 would be 30 hours per week).

this means i have a job. as a web designer. i never thought that would happen since the dot-com fallout. i guess some things in this world never change.

what's better, i'm starting on the 10th. this means i have a week off at the start of summer (good since i have ACT on the 8th anyway) and i can stay up late each night, wake up at about 9:00 and get to work in plenty of time. this makes me a happy blake.

things improve further: chances are very, very good i actually am getting paid. how much, i have not a clue.

here we are, stretching i'd hit it week far further than a week:
[image on old website]

and a bonus image of the day:
[image on old website]


billy corgan has a new band. it's called zwan. their live bootlegs are really, really good. and nothing like smashing pumpkins. it's mellow, but driven. and it's got the oh-so-soothing voice of mr. corgan.

going to dreamworld tonight to yet another sungafat show. hopefully we'll finally hear some new frickin' material.

and austin just plain owns. i'll be hearing plenty of live music if i wind up there. and i think i'd like to.

live music is quite a good thing.


i love austin. the CITY, you sicko.
have a story:
-6:00: awake
-6:45: leave
-9:45: arrive in austin, fight with stupid mom who can't navigate austin for shit and then doubts my skills which are superior to hers.
-10:00: info session. receive much propaganda and UT info. sounds like good stuff.
-11:00: world lit class. one small change of plans: no college students showed up. so it's me and 10 other seniors sitting around with the plan2 program boss (also a philosophy prof) and we all talk plato for an hour. best school experience i've ever had easily.
-12:00: campus browsing time. honors dorms are locked so i didn't get to go check any out, but we decided they're not that different from TCU, etc.
-1:00: lunch at firebirds, the only place i've ever seen that is all burritos, all the time. gotta love austin. so i had a couple of soft tacos with chicken and lettuce and this crazy hot sauce. i liked.
-2:00 head home
-5:00 home. eat pizza. 8:00, going to alex's, then spending a large chunk of tomorrow with katy getting things for prom. i love being me. oh, and i AM going back to austin. bitch. in honor of i'd hit it! week:

[img on old site]

update: http://www.monkeypoem.com/


read get your war on. especially if you think bush is a fucking moron.
""Can't we just build a fucking bomb the size of the earth and cut a hole out of the middle in the shape of The United States? Drop the motherfucker around us and take care of business once and for all!""

pure genius.

off to austin i go. i'll be back tomorrow night for mass chillage.


so i read an astrology book last weekend. i am a sagittarian, for all who are curious. here are the good points i remember:

-my element is fire
-i have a certain 'star' quality
-i ignore my chores and wait for others to do them
-i am highly ambitious and usually an intellectual, although sometimes lazy
-i am a philosopher
-i can be a teacher
-i have good judgment
-i have a need for adventure (i do?)
-i wish to find the answers to the big questions
-i would make a good journalist, writer, broadcaster, or tv host.

and i was going to put one really good point here that drove home the whole bit, but i forgot what it was since i closed the book 10 seconds ago.

oh yeah! it's that i love a challenge.

and! it's i'd hit it week! so, in honor of good statesman gary condit:

[image on old website]