
i figured the comment on my last post was worth clarification:

my bathroom is broken. i can't use my own shower or toilet. for a while, i couldn't use the sink, but could shower and use the toilet. then i couldn't use the toilet, but could use sink or shower. the moral of this story is that something is causing a leak. and 2nd floor leaks are bad.

so now there's this enormous hole in the ceiling downstairs, and it's slowly leaking into this pathetic pan we have on the floor, not far from the counter. my house *bloze*.

in other news, i am proud to announce that soph and i are amigos. we kinda got into a fit about what we really were and decided that amigos is quite fine. and life is good again.

and there's even a penguin sitting atop my monitor, ready to waddle about (and promptly fall over) at a moment's notice. thanks, soph.


ok so the other shoe finally came down. hard.

i have consolation, however: new chapter of get your war on is out. it's about israel.

and why must my amigos be so lazy? first it was 'hey lets go play tennis,' then 'ok, let's swim and play some games,' then 'screw it, let's play games and watch tv.' something tells me we're on the verge of 'let's watch tv.'

for all inquiring: yes, i took the SAT, yes i have a fairly good feeling about it, i'm guessing 1390-1410.

look closely at what's being caged:
[image on old website]


the goodness continues:

kris is coming to austin.

here's to the guys. dogma just plain owned:

[image on old website]


and the pin yet still refuses to drop.

after all the goodness of today, i got a random message from one jessica yih - that smarty who left oakridgeland for TAMS - and she's quite a bit cooler than i remember.

we must, however, bid farewell to the ridiculous i'd hit it week, with easily the best of the pictures:

[image on old website]


this ny post story. a vegan couple starved their daughter to death because they wouldn't give her breast milk or formula.

vegans are FUCKING IDIOTS. we're god damned animals. we have omnivore teeth. notice the ones in the front are NOT made for cutting lettuce up. and besides, we're intelligent enough to invent knives and nuclear weapons. i think it's ok if we put a fucking animal in its place.

thanks to my good old amigo shaggy for that one. glad you're back, brother.

in other news, life continues to be grand. the other shoe didn't drop when i thought it would, so now the only thing i can do is expect the unexpected. i'm quite scared.

one more day in i'd hit it week:

[image on old website]