
//On You...
Name: blake
Nick Name(s): blakey, snaggah, dreamboat
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue/green
Any Siblings?: 1 half-brother
Do they look like you? a little
Righty or lefty: southpaw
Hobbies: videogames, singing
How do you describe yourself: calm + collected, smart, funny + sweet in some cases
What is your sign: sagittarius
//On Friends...
Friend(s) that looks most like you: can't think of any.
Friend(s) you go to for advice: all 3 emily's
Friend(s) you have most fun with: the lamarites, choir ppl
Friend(s) you can do nothing with, but still have fun: emily + potheads
Friend(s) you have dreamt about: genny, claire
Friend(s) you tell your dreams to: ppl i see every day: emily, ash, aroon, alex,
Friend(s) you tell your secrets to: nobody, hence 'secret'
//On Guys...
i refuse to answer these as i'm only 10% gay
//On Girls...
Boy Shorts or Bikini Underwear: bikini
Painted or Natural Nails: painted, color never hurt anyone
Bra or Sports Bra: bra, sports bras just look goofy
Sort of Dressy or Casual: a little dressy
Ears Pierced or Not: yeah, but no other piercings (exception: belly button)
Dark or Blonde Hair: light brown
Short or Long Hair: short's cuter, long is better for cuddly circumstances tho
Dark Eyes or Light: dark
Hat or No Hat: no hat.
Good Girl or Bad Girl: good girl.
Hair Up or Down: down!
Jewelry or None: yes.
Tall or Short: short!
Curly or Straight Hair: straight.
Skirt or Dress: dress, unless she wants to show off some exceptional legs
Tan or Fair: fair, tan is too fake
Freckles or None: none.
Pretty Indoors Chick or Sporty Chick: indoorsy, that makes it all the more comical
when you go outside to play
//On Preferences...
Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate
McDonald's or Burger King: bk, cause mcd's is trash
Would You Rather Marry A Perfect Lover, or Perfect Friend: friend - perfect
lovers are too likely to perfectly love others
Sweet or sour: sweet
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: dr.
Tea or Coffee: coffee, but only things like frappuccino's.
Sappy/Action/Comedy/Horror: comedy, but only really funny stuff ie south park
Cats or Dogs: i'm quite tired of pets, but i respect the dog i have.
Ocean or Pool: ocean if the water's not cold
Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese: nacho!
Mud or Jell-O Wrestling: jello, getting mud in the mouth isnt tasty
With or without Ice Cubes: without
Milk/Dark/White Chocolate: milk, it's the middle of the road in terms of the
sweet factor
Shine or Rain: shine
Top or Bottom: bottom :)
Winter/Fall/Spring/Summer: fall
Vanilla or Chocolate: chocolate.
Skiing or Boarding: boarding - it may be harder, but the youthfulness is where
it counts
Biking or Blading: walking.
Cake or Cookies: white cake with chocolate frosting.
Cereal or Toast: cocoa puffs and/or cinnamon toast crunch, no milk.
Rock/Ska/Punk/Rap/R&B/Alternative/Techno/Country/Swing: techno/triphop/lounge
Night or Day: night - go driving with the windows down after 1am. the quiet
is beautiful.
Gloves or mittens: mittens
Dressed or Undressed: dressed, but lazily so.
Eyes Open or Closed: closed
Bunk Bed or Waterbed: neither of the two.. i want my comfy queen-size bed at
all times.
Chewing Gum or Hard Candy: blue sweet tarts / cherry jolly ranchers / cherry
hard starbursts
Motor Boat or Sail Boat: *throws up over the side*
Lights On/Lights Off/Black Lights: mood lights.
//On the future...
What's your house going to look like?: a beautiful modern house on the water.
Where are you going to live: i'll spend some time up north and move back down
when i realize i hate it. someplace where it snows only on christmas and the
rest of the time it's hot.
How many kids: one, *possibly* two
Names: amanda (coincidence with syed's choice), cassandra
Animals: as if a daughter isn't enough!
What are you going to do: i'm going to be famous in the world of videogames.
//On relationships...
What does your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend look like?: see above physical characteristics.
How do they act?: happy, loving of companionship, enjoying a quiet night at
home as the best way of being together
Where is your dream date: the beaches of hawaii.
Do you like to call or be called?: call, leave a message, wait for call back
Make A Move or Wait: make the move. trying not to tho.
Make plans or go along with them: make plans - that is, revise aroon's crazy-ass
ideas or come up with things to appease soph
What's' the first thing you notice about guys/girls: face/smile
Ever been in love: no.
//On What Ifs...
If you could move anywhere where would it be: bay area - nice weather all year
Dye your hair one color what would it be: slightly lighter blonde
Have a tattoo anywhere where and what would it be: no.
Turn into any animal what would it be: a koala bear
Streak in front of anyones house whose would it be: emily - she's walk outside
and her clothes would suddenly fall off as they often do
Meet one person who would it be: brandon boyd - and thank him for the wonderful
musical influence he is on me
Live with one person the rest of your life who would it be: i haven't met her
Could punish anyone for doing something what would it be: possessing the kind
of stupidity that comes from ignorance
Name one thing you are afraid of: rejection
You're embarrassed about: my childhood
Wish you had done, but didn't: hidden those girls in my hotel room sophmore
year better.
Wish you hadn't done but did: refuse to admit that emily (NY) was taken
Really want to do: play videogames for a living
You're Going to do today: - improve snagger.org - wish doom3 came out - go out
with the amigos to shopping - hang with sophia - play RTCW - read Evening Reading
Do yesterday: sundays.... nothing at all and hated every minute of it.
That turns you off: high school girls who get drunk
What's the first thing you do when you get up: put on chap stick
Go to school: talk to people - no longer the seniors who i enjoyed seeing every
Get home from school: check my email
//On Yays or Nays...
Female President: yay, but women in politics scare me
Roller Coaster: nay
Thunderstorms: nay
Food In Bed: nay, yay on couch
High Heels: nay, shorter is better
Mexican Food: yay
Bill Clinton: yay, best president we'd had in decades
Insects: nay, they annoy me
Little Kids: yay, but only the ones who aren't evil little shits
//On Habits...
Do you bite your finger nails: yes = Toenails: ya = Twirl your hair: yeah, it's getting long
Relay commercials: no, commercials are one of those 'you have to be there' kinda
Impersonate: yes!
Chew gum obnoxiously: no, gum sucks anyway.. why the hell would you continue
chewing something that's lost its flavor?
Play with it: the gum? no, duh.
Cheat on tests or homework: they say giving your help to others is cheating,
so yes
Drink/smoke: unopposed to drinking in moderation, but dont very often anyway.
i'm tolerant of smokers, but dont.
Shower: yessir.
Make your bed: havent done so since dad moved out
Clean your room: once a year or so, it throws off my organizational skill
Take a bath: i dont have a bathtub anymore, but i'd enjoy the occasional bath.
Go to the bathroom: why would they even ask this?
Talk/walk in your sleep: no, i walked when i was little
Give hugs: not often enough
Tell people you love them: not enough
Play with your animals: yes.
Change your underwear: yeah.
What/Who are you?: the way between the two extremes
In love with: nobody at the moment.
Mad or frustrated with: ericlee <--how can i argue with that?
//On what is...
Under your bed: nothing, no room to squeeze stuff in there
On your nails: teeth = On your feet: the other foot
On your walls: couple of game posters, soon to be an avalanches poster
On your mouse pad: alienware logo and a $60 microsoft mouse
On your bed: *very* comfy blue sheets and 2 pillows
On your ceiling: nothing
In your closet: clothes, electric guitar, tennis racket
Any Last Words: don't ever let life pass you by


someone tear this essay apart:

Imagine a very busy place, such as a newsroom. Now imagine that all the workers are very small gnomes, hastily running to and fro in the office, speedily exchanging information. Just like clockwork, the newsroom produces a flawless newspaper every morning for my pleasure to read.
Contrary to popular belief, computers are not filled with tiny gnomes running back and forth. They are, however, best described as my passion in life. I first looked for schools with strong computer science programs, simply because I enjoy using computers. After taking a look at my own computer, however, I realized that there are many more things that I enjoy in life than the kinds of things taught in computer science classes. Instead, my computer has a vitality all its own, a soul that reflects who I am.
When my computer is first turned on, my desktop �wallpaper� greets the user with a stick figure, engulfed in flames. Underneath this odd sight sits a friendly warning: �Do not set yourself on fire.� Then, my �Buddy List� pops up, keeping me in touch with countless friends I�ve made over the years.
While my computer doesn�t plainly show it to anyone walks by, I�m undeniably a dreamer. This machine is loaded with action games. I�ve played video games with a passion since I was four years old, and since the first day I touched a Nintendo controller I�ve wanted to work in the video games industry with other people who love the same kind of things I do: good games and cult-classic movies with bad acting.
Many people consider it difficult to work in video games, but I think I may have found my calling. Journalists have been around for years, writing reviews and previews of new games. I�ve worked in amateur journalism (relating to videogame competition) for close to two years now and I love the work. By looking back into my folders of archived documents, I find that I�ve come a long way in two years, and maybe some real journalistic training can carry that progress even further.
However, I awoke to the world outside computer science when I remembered my love for music. Stored on my computer are over eight days straight of music. All of it, however, has one thing in common: it�s relaxing. My love for music has opened up many doors for me, from singing rock songs in my car, to performing solos on stage, to a leadership position in the A Cappella Choir. In one of my archive folders sit the lyrics to John Lennon�s Imagine.
People think I�m a nerd because I spend so much time on my computer. I completely defeat the stereotype, though; I�m not a pudgy guy who lives in a comic book store, arguing over the trivial details of the Star Wars trilogy. Nor do I talk out of loneliness to my toy penguin, sitting atop my computer, watching over my room with pride. It�s not a gnome, but it�ll do.


so i spent about an hour tonight giving the page a facelift, and realized that i did a *horrible* job designing this site. if i were to try and get the new look over to the comments/admin sites, everything would die all at once.

i think i'm going to start from scratch. will give me something to do when i'm on break from test cramming.

since i'm lazy, you're looking at the new colors now. just don't leave comments.


You are 30% evil! [?]

You're still on the good side of 50%, but you're gaining on it. You're not as good as you should be, but you're good ALMOST all of the time. There's only an occasional time when evil takes over you, but when it does...

How Gay Are YOU?

update: i am no longer spinning the above song. instead, mr. scruff - so long is much better. go grab."