I'm headed to grad school!

I apologize, dear reader, if I've failed to mention it before, but:

I'm starting grad school this fall.

I'll be getting a Masters degree in International Relations focused on Japan.

I'm signing with a school pretty soon, and I'll post the full skinny once I'm done with that.

Ooh look, a new car

So I just got a new car, but Ford's Fiesta Movement looks like a lot of fun. You enter by way of YouTube submission, and if you're picked, Ford gives you a Fiesta (their not-a-Honda-Fit that's coming to the US later on) for six months in advance of the car's US release and sends you around on "adventures."

This would be neat! I'm hoping to rope my video-producing friend into it.

For Valentine's Day, I got...

a car! :D

It's a black Mazda RX-8, and it's pretty hot.

I paid cash for it (cash that I had due to a complicated family inheritance that was set aside for me to get a car), so it's paid off, but I'll probably still be shelling out tons of money for maintenance and so on.

It's an '04, with 63,000 on the clock, and after three days, so far so good. The trip to get it was a ridiculous adventure. My good friend Pablo, younger brother of Alex, took me up to Oklahoma City to get the car, and he fought sleepiness and the inability to see the entire way up.

By 11pm, Pablo and I finished the inspection, did the deal, and I had the keys. Then followed an IHOP run, tons of coffee (on top of our already-consumed Red Bulls), and poor Pablo was damn near blind as a bat by this point in the night, so he followed me home as I tried to get acquainted with my car, and its manual transmission, and the defroster, all at once.

Miraculously, we made it home at 3:30am. I spent all of Sunday recovering, and today I took the car out again in earnest to go to my Japanese class.

It feels like a sportscar, through and through. It's tough to drive, the ride is unforgiving, and the seats are incredibly bolstered. And in fleeting moments, I feel the tiniest tinge of joy about it all and I begin to crack a smile. My love affair with this car will be immense when it sinks in, but right now I'm still learning my way around the thing.

I actually respect Kanye West

Yeah, he's ridiculous on stage, he goes off-script during charity telethons, or at the VMA awards. And he types like a 10-year-old on his own website.

But at the end of the day, he's actually self-effacing. And I think that quality is endemic of deeper, more respectable qualities like self-awareness and a sense of humor.
Haters start your engines, I hear 'em gearing up
People talk so much shit about me at barbershops
They forget to get they hair cut
OK, fair enough, streets is flaring up
'Cuz they want gun talk, or I don't wear enough
Baggy clothes, Reeboks or Adid-os
Can I add that he do spaz out at his shows?
Sure, he makes most Americans facepalm, but I can't help but laugh a little every time a Kanye track comes on. And not necessarily in a bad way.