Putting Money (and Foot) Where Mouth Is

I promised the Internet I'd get a Tesla.

I tried, but had to turn down the car, send it away, and cancel the transaction.

I planned to wait until the Standard Range Model 3 dropped, and as soon as it did I placed my order. In 2 weeks to the day, the car had arrived, driven right to my doorstep by a Tesla delivery guy.

I was hit badly with the quality issues I wrote about. The internet is obsessed with panel gaps and paint issues, and some of that is overblown, but my car was a bit... asymmetrical. Portions of metal missing clearcoat and/or blue paint were exposed. The rear taillights had a gap big enough to nearly fit my pinky finger. 

The issue that made me turn the car away, however, was a gap in the rubber lining between roof panels. I had no idea where water would go - would it enter the body at the roof? Would that cause rust or electrical gremlins?

Seeing that gap, delivery went from "not great" to "stressful." Thankfully, an interruption in the paperwork process gave me cover to take a breath, text a couple Tesla fan friends, and reach the common sense solution to walk away from the car.

Once I refused the car, things went smoothly. The guy promised to destroy existing paperwork, gave my car's keys back, said thank you, and promptly drove away. 

It only took one phone call to get my deposit back, too. I called and asked for it on a Saturday morning, and it reached my bank on Tuesday.

Tesla's people were universally nice. I was prepared to go to war to get my deposit back and was delighted to see it totally wasn't necessary.

I look forward to getting one someday.
