Facebook update

Blake is 45,000 yen, 64 Euro and a credit card fraud alert later, in possession of an Xbox 360 and Daft Punk tickets.

That pretty much sums up life in Japan right about now. My quiet little town is becoming a little more bearable between more links back home (Xbox Live), stuff to do here (I'm really into running, suddenly), and making inroads with the locals ever so slowly (I'm friends with the couple that owns the sushi shop, so every time I go there it becomes an all-evening kind of party).


Women in Japan:

I had a small, cute, English-fluent girlfriend named Ai for all of my first month here. I speak in the past tense because she left Japan to go to the States for grad school.

I'm now back to being single.

Life in Japan posts

My apologies for the lack of updates. I even have lots of spare time here. What writing I have been doing, however, is over on Konnichiwhoa. I've mostly talked about my life experience here, such as what food I eat, my car, why TV sucks, and my beating at the hands of a barber in an attempt to get a haircut. If you've missed any of that, head on over and read it.

What I'm seeing in Japan

I am finding the following things:
-roads on which to drive my car
-other JET teachers
-Internet access
-vending machines
-soft drinks and booze

I am not finding the following things in Japan: