A visitor arrives!

...well, arrived.

Nao, who lived in my village in rural Japan, came to pay a visit to San Diego and experience American life for the first time.

Thankfully, the weather betrayed SoCal winter and was actually beautiful.

We went to the zoo! We ate Brazilian BBQ! And we went to Point Loma, a wonderful lookout spot with a 360-degree view.

All these things - and more! - await you, if you come visit me too!

ps - this is WAY late notice, but if you've wondered why a lawn guy with a leaf blower is in these pictures - Nao was fascinated by this concept. 

Super-late photos: Sir Paul

This is the fourth activity I referenced after my London trip.

Sir Paul McCartney. Fifth-row seats.

The man can play a show. An entire section of seating was set aside for his friends and family (it was the last stop on his tour, and the only one in England). Two-and-a-half-hours-plus with no breaks. So much heart.

As excited as I was to see the legend in the flesh, I was more excited for my mom. She is to The Beatles as I am to games. She knows every factoid, every detail, every ounce of their personal history. She spent her youth following them from the great Internet-less distance of rural Oklahoma. She never saw a Beatles concert, but I was going to make damn sure she saw the closest possible thing during her lifetime.

And she did. That box got a big, fat check mark put in it. For her and for me.

As miserable as the rest of the trip was (Mom + jetlag + British food = not fun), she was beaming for a solid 48 hours (before she caught swine flu on the way home and became more miserable). "We saw Pauuuuuul," she'd coo. During those 48 hours, miserable British food, or having to ride the Tube, or the weather became non-factors. We did what we went there to do, and it felt great to do it.

Indeed, we did it. We saw Pauuuuuul.

Photographic evidence of London

My Christmas was spent - lucky me - with only one relative, in the wonderful locale that is London. Unfortunately, however, Mom and international travel are still trying to get along, so in our week-long stay we managed to complete 4 activities. Four.

Of those, three are pictured here: the British Museum, St. Paul's Cathedral, and shopping on Bond Street.

The fourth, which made the entire trip worthwhile, will come in another post.

We've moved!

Dear Blogger,

You have been utterly fantastic for the last 8 years - that's beyond an eternity in Internet Time - but our time together is coming to an end.

While your service was groundbreaking back in 2001 - "a free service that lets you make your own news site!?" the times have changed, blogging has become its own monster, and the art and science of writing your own ramblings have greatly moved forward. You, unfortunately, have not.

Which is why I've moved to posterous, a wonderful new blog provider that automates everything. I'm writing this post just by sending an email to post@posterous.com - brilliant, right? It even does cool things with video, audio, and photos, like automatically embedding video links, turning recorded audio into a podcast feed, and making galleries out of photos. I'm attaching a few recent fun pics from California out of principle. I've been exposed to the genius of the whole thing by Aroon, who has suddenly gotten back into the blogging biz because of it.

For readers, the move gives you more options to see my silliness. Facebook, as always, will get my newest posts, and the 'old' Blogger site will continue to be fed the posts from the 'new' site for as long as it's feasible. Twitter, as well, will get some love. Long story short: you don't have to update your bookmarks if you don't want to, but just entering snagger.org in your browser will ensure that you see what I intend for you to see.

I also want to thank Emily, whose flawless design work has stayed standing on my Blogger-based site for at least half an eternity (again, measured in Internet Time) - and will for half an eternity more.

As for me, I've felt the need to spruce things up on my own blog for a while now, but as Emily's talents have made her too busy in recent times I was left in a bind. With this move, I get a simple and clean new look, the technical things get easier, and more people get these posts in more ways.

It's a win-win-win, unless you're Blogger. In any case, here's to 8 more years of sharing and theorizing.
