Time Warner Disconnected My Cable: an introspection


Time Warner just disconnected the cable TV. It had been on since I moved in here in August, and I only pay for RoadRunner.

That's like a solid 6 months. It was a good run, free cable, but I'm not about to pay 60 a month to watch Mad Money and Keith Olbermann.

ps - why, why, WHY do you (lookin' at you, Time Warner) call RoadRunner "high-speed online"?!?! "Online" is an adjective, you fucks, not a noun. It describes something, like a game having "online" multiplayer. Or Google Calendar being an "online" app or "online" version of iCal. I mean, dear God, we Internet people already have to put up with speaking a different version of English, and the resulting nonsense that comes from non-speakers asking questions like "Do you have The Internet?"

So what happens now when the 11-year-old kid from down the street discovers the Internet, sees me as he's biking down the street, and excitedly yet cluelessly asks, "Do you have Online?" Then I'm forced to ask in reply, "Online what?" because "online" is an adjective and has to describe something. And yet I've just uttered a sentence ('online what') that makes absolutely no sense in *his* retard-o Time Warner language which will undoubtedly crush this child's hopes and dreams, leading to a lifelong hatred of me as if his life were a Jet Li movie and I just killed his father. Which means that in roughly 15 years' time, this child will hunt me down, wherever on this little blue planet I am, and take vengeance upon me, and as I lay dying he will victoriously raise the murder weapon in the air and scream, "ONLINE WHAT, BITCH!"

So thanks, Time Warner, for being my undoing. My days are now numbered.

A Random Californian on the PS3

In honor of the imminent Playstation 3 release at midnight:

This video makes a good parable for the PS3.

"It's OK to experiment! It's OK to fail!"

Strangely, it's one of the most awesome videos ever.

Good luck, Playstation 3.

*hushed snicker*

Welcome to the holidays, amigos.

Forget the 'Carol of the Bells'-themed commercials for retail stores. Forget the blowout sales at the retail stores. Forget Bill O' Reilly declaring War on War on Christmas.

I don't know about you guys, but the only way I know it's the holidays is when Spike starts airing Bond movies.

And tonight, as I write this, I'm watching For Your Eyes Only. And I'd be sipping a martini of some kind if only I had vodka.

Welcome, amigos, to 4 months of cold weather and Bond movies. It's going to be a good winter.

It's been too long since I posted a chat log

(courtesy Gtalk)

Graham: i should be back on friday
i refuse to stay until saturday
me: haha oh wait, that means you're out for black friday, aren't you?
Graham: hell no
that's why i'm coming back on friday and i dont give a damn what my family does
im so there
me: but wouldnt you have to leave at like 2am friday?
Graham: lol
im retarded
youre right i mixed it up
thank you
hang on i have to call my mother and tell her the bad news

Now THAT is hardcore.