Free iPods update

Yeah, it's still going on.

Apparently the eBay offer was killed on suspicion of mass fraudulent users / auctions. The new easy offer, by all reports, is RealRhapsody - which was cool as hell back when it was just Rhapsody and Speakeasy ran it, so give it a try. My own ebay offers never cleared, so I'll be trying this too.

For the random 5 people I don't know who signed up under me, thanks. Here's to hoping that at least *some* of you have offers that go through.

More Quakecon info

Qcon quickly approaches! Here's some late info for those of you planning your trips. It's bad news, followed by good news:

-Early check-in is not guaranteed to happen this year. This is contrary to what I said earlier, so listen up. If you go Wednesday night to set up, you're taking a risk. You could get set up fairly early and not have to sit through the line Thursday, but on the other hand, you could waste several hours waiting in line with your computer for nothing and have to come back Thursday and sit in line all over again. The deal is, early check-in opens if there's spare time on Wednesday night once the volunteers are done setting up.

Now, the good news:
Mr. Sinus Theatre is coming back! Just like last year, they're premiering a new movie that they haven't done before, and it promises to be hilarious. And the better news, for everyone who's on a tight schedule around Saturday/Sunday:

The show is on Thursday night. It starts around 10:30, which should make them a big part of the opening night party.

Things are shaping up to be pretty great. So, we in the SSB crowd will definitely be seeing you guys on Thursday, and by Thursday night we'll be raping the rest of you in Doom3 and CS, so you guys get to bring the lube.

WTF man

A reality TV show for Hispanics where the winner gets represented by a famous law firm to get a green card. The show has already had contestants doing such great America-loving acts as eating burritos full of worms, because that's exactly what America wants in its immigrants who come from abroad.


You know you've been playing Doom3 when:

There's a sudden power surge at your house at 6pm when you're sitting on the couch, and the first thing you do is look around you in all 360 degrees of vision to make sure that nothing's attacking you.

[The rest of this post is boring game commentary stuff, stop reading here if you're uninterested.]

I'm probably around halfway through the game, and here are some more impressions:
-The attention to detail is among the best games ever made. Never is there dull scenery, items are placed everywhere to reward the curious, and there are so many things going on in the environment (TVs running, other people's emails / audio logs) that it's probably on par with Max Payne 2.
-As expected, it's a technical masterpiece. I can run the game with almost all the special effects turned on, 2x anti-aliasing, and get a solid 30 frames per second while the game looks gorgeous. Did I mention I'm running *medium* detail levels? You'd need a just-bought-it-yesterday Alienware system to run high quality comfortably, and just about any computer today is incapable of running Ultra quality.
-The game is extremely psychological. Play it through on hard the first time you get it, otherwise it'll seem too easy. And you can't play this game like a tourist. The constant tension in the game is so high that you breathe a sigh of relief on load screens and you can practically feel the stress when you're not even playing.
-It's definitely the Doom experience all over again. I don't mean run-and-gun at this breakneck speed kind of experience. I mean the one where you're looking for somewhere to run out of desperation while you're on your last few bullets and you're sure that the enemies aren't stopping anytime soon. All the throwbacks (old-school monsters, weapons) are truly sweet.
-Multiplayer is a different story entirely. It wasn't the main focus of the game, so don't expect a heavily tweaked game or a lot of variety. In fact, there are only 5 maps. But then again, Quake shipped with 6 maps and Quake2 had multiplayer basically patched into the game, and those are two of the best multiplayer games of all time. This *is* the ridiculous run-and-gun game that the old-school Doom memories bring to mind. Turn on always run and you're constantly flying all over the place. I can't wait to start playing this against other people on LAN. It looks like it'll have a lot of depth though. Trickjump videos have already started to come out. Maybe it's all the similarities with weapons, and the q2dm1 remake, but deathmatch feels a lot like a very, very, very sped-up Quake2 deathmatch.
-Coop mods are on the way. Oh yes - this will be *ridiculous* with 4 players on Nightmare skill.