Cool things about Austin

Yesterday, I found myself attending the city's Hot Sauce Festival. Truly a great idea: let salsa/hot sauce aficionados congregate in a city park on a Sunday afternoon that's not excessively hot, and try out various local hot sauces and buy jars of good sauces that they wouldn't have found otherwise.

The crazier part? Its popularity. TONS of people were there, and as a result, lines formed so that you could pick up a single chip, dip it, taste, and move on. We're talking Disneyland-calibur lines. Because of that, I only got to try out 6 or 7 salsas, but I do know this: man, some little Austin places can make one hell of a hot sauce.

And then I get this IM from some Austinite whose identity I can't figure out by his screenname alone: "We also have a festival dedicated to spam." But I can't really see myself going to that one.

This post goes out to Emily

Not the Emily I link to on the right. Emily, the TCU chick. Good friend of a few of my fellow Austinites (including Koci, who I link to). Normally I have no problem talking about new friends of mine, but it's a bit stranger when I talk about girls. And not just like any old girl I meet, but the kind of girls where something may or may not happen. Well, Emily and I spent the whole summer talking to one another. You can probably see where I'm going with this.

After Em and I were in the same town for all of a week, we had a really great time. We got to have breakfast together one morning, she forced me to watch the Blue Collar Comedy Tour another night, and went out to downtown FW on the Friday night before I moved back here. She's asked me more than once - why wasn't she mentioned on here?

The short answer, as cruel as it sounds, is because I want a blog that's not going to suck. I have a few specific reasons, too:

-If I talked about every crush on every girl, every interaction with the female species, well, this would look like every Xanga site run by an emo kid, and nobody would read it [To the disappointment of my three and a half readers.].
-It totally jinxes any chance I have with a girl I like. I know this from experience, please trust me on it.
-Talking on and on about girls, it's very hard for me not to telegraph exactly what I want to do. This opens up lots of problems with (a) being predictable and (b) competition.
-It could screw up things with amigos. Suppose I have a crush on a girl, I write about it, and along comes one of my readers who also has a crush on the same girl. Problems ensue that could have been avoided. Worse, the whole competition thing could rear its ugly head and the reader could beat me to asking said girl out. Crappy.

If I had a steady, exclusive girlfriend, I really wouldn't have a problem with writing about things that happen. Example: "I had a really fun time on Saturday night going out with [insert girl's name here] when the craziest thing happened..." But as far as mentioning small things with girlish friends, there's just too much that can go wrong. Writing so much about relationships and non-relationships and blah blah blah just gets so stale so fast. The times in the past I've mentioned dates I went on (Steph and Abby), it was because something interesting happened or I learned a lesson or at least felt really inspired to write.

So Emily, please don't take it personally that I haven't mentioned ya. It's not that you're not cute/charming/loads of fun. I'm just erring on the side of caution.

No chance of Hawaii

Auditions were already over. Frowny face goes here. Oh well, everything will work out like it should. But, the director was really nice to give me a call back and invite me out to the recruitment dinners they'll be having at the end of the semester, so I might go out for the spring. For the time though, I just get to sit back and relax.

It'll be all right. That gives me a little more challenge to get myself to go back to Hawaii someday. Maybe for a honeymoon when I get married or something.

So I went to choir today

and there wasn't rehearsal, but I found out that the Longhorn Singers (the group I was thinking about switching to but wasn't sure) are going to Hawaii this winter.

Suddenly, the last thought on my mind was how immasculating it would be to be doing all the song-and-dance stuff that they tend to do. My mind was on my lifelong to-do list and how I could kill two items with one proverbial stone:

-Go on tour with a musical group
-Return to Hawaii

And not to mention that the group as a whole is a really, really nice bunch of guys and girls, and there *are* lots of girls, even that one I had a crush on for a long time. Good times.

Soon as I could, I called the new director of the group to see if I can sneak in a late audition - even after they announced the new members of the group. I've gotten no call back and I'm sad - but it's only been an hour and a half. But if you're the praying type and you're looking for some variety in your regimen, how about asking to send blakerson to Hawaii?