Bad stuff happens too much

Today I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I messed up the deadline for the Plan II essay contest and now they won't take my entry. So the work I did over the summer is down the drain, I let down my editor, and I have no chance at any prize money or recognition which I needed so much if I'm headed to journalism school. I get violent very rarely, and that happened today. I threw things, I broke others, and it took a lot of restraint not to start fights with people over tiny, tiny, petty stupidity that I'm used to seeing every day.

But on the other hand, I have to be thankful that I'm still in good health. Combine that with some quality Austin Chinese food with my boys, and suddenly my cursed day of Tuesday is a bit less crappy.

Coolest toy EVER is a truly awesome site. It's like Friendster, but it's college-oriented. So, everyone who goes to your school is in your 'realm' of the site, you can find people by Greeks, organizations, classes, or just by your friends who are on the site. You can find new people and send them IMs, 'poke' them, or search for new ones. On the more global level, you can search for people at other schools and add your other-school friends to your list. Go sign yourself up now, cause it's cool.

The weekend where I go crazy

The rational me would have stayed here Friday night, chilled with the boys, and gone about my weekend like normal. Instead, I thought, I'll put another 400 miles on my car, burn a tank of gas, spend even more money when I'm home, not catch up on sleep, and generally do things that I shouldn't.

And it was totally worth the trip home to spend a night at home, see my mom and my dog, and go out to see a movie with the Emily as I posted about a couple weeks back, and get back to Austin just in time for a music rehearsal, the football game (more on that in a second), a party, and *not* my homework.

The football game. Jesus Christ. UT kicked off the ball at the start of both halves, we got about 12 false start calls against us, got no call when a guy intentionally twisted Vince Young's ankle after the play, watched Arkansas gain 40 yards off an incomplete pass, and we *still* won the game because Arkansas gave us a safety off their first drive because their center's an idiot. What a game. After that one, I had no problem with going out partying and getting stupid.

I'm sure my weekend is more interesting to me than a blog reader, but man, I did something I normally wouldn't do this weekend and I had a great weekend thanks to that. I'm proud of myself.

More political plugging

I know I've tried to limit the political postings on s.o. now that bs exists, but this one seems a bit dire and I'm a smidge nervous. is just about what you'd expect from the name. Their big deal right now is a ban on the sale and import of assault rifles, passed 10 years ago, that's set to sunset next Monday, and it's going to be a big issue in Congress since the NRA has grown considerably in the last decade. Overall, I'm of the opinion that the ban has largely worked, so if you agree, click the link.