A post about chicks

So last time I went home, I spent some time updating my mom on campus life. There was a lot to tell her about people: how some people had drifted off, others had come along, and things were good in general. After spending some time talking about one friend, my mom just dropped in passing, "That's what I think it's going to take for you. Someone who's smart, pretty, talented, different.."

I couldn't help but agree. That was my list in a nutshell. Granted, things like "pretty" carry several more adjectives along with them, but as far as nutshell evaluations go, I think that's great. And that little nutshell pulled me out of the stupidity that's been my first year and change of college. Up to recently it was just randomly wandering around, talking to everyone, occasionally getting something that would last longer than a few days and a pair of unanswered phone calls.

Now I sort of have this reminder that it's much easier and rewarding to go after girls that there's a sort of "click" with. Not chemistry, that's something else entirely. But a "click" comes from the same sort of thing that makes you say "I KNOW!" like 50 times on a date with someone you have just everything in common with. Problem: girls I click with are rare. Really rare. I'm just that twisted. But my mom's little nutshell evaluation of what I'm looking for prescribes a really rare chick: when's the last time you've met a smart/pretty/talented/different person of the opposite sex who's single and not completely off their rocker?

This, I think, might be the guiding principle for my love life in my early 20s. (They're coming up, ya know. December 3rd.) Just wait for a click to happen, and then enjoy it instead of wasting time and effort and acting like some kind of playa, saying all these premeditated lines that you have to drop just to pass muster with Ashley the Average Girl. I'll definitely wind up single more often than not, but it's better than broke from lame dates and exhausted from forced conversations. At the very least, I have a little direction for myself, and that makes me happy.

Keep away from freshmen

I keep telling myself that, because freshmen are idiots, they can't even find basic things on campus without asking 36 people, they've all got the maturity of cranky four year olds, and the ones that didn't go Greek are lousy in bed. But I find myself talking to the occasional frosh anyway in the hopes that one or two might actually be interesting people. So since she's already whining and bitching about it (see previous comment thread), I think it's about time I linked my new friend Juliette.

Juli's certainly an interesting chick. I found her on *drumroll please* thefacebook.com (teehee) when I was surfing through the user group known as "Buck Fush." We got to talking over IM and she's certainly gotten a lot of cool points very quickly: she speaks Spanish, she's highly familiar with gaming, and she's quite the looker even though her LJ avatar is really just Shirley Manson. She's got some high-quality posts, so go give her a shout.


I've done it! I have navigated the great maze that is FreeiPods.com, and I have completed it all and I'm currently going through the approval phases where they make sure I didn't cheat. I'd like to thank the many people whose email addresses I don't know who added themselves under me, as well as my good and dear roommate Tim Allen *cue manly laughing sound* who had the charity to be my 5th referral.

If I actually get this damned toy, there will be pictures a plenty.

Next project: Use FreeFlatScreens.com to get a TV for this basement of ours.

Currently reading

It took me forever to realize that I've been missing the "currently reading" link from my sidebar ever since I went to the new style. I'm not sure I want to put it back - it could go in my profile or I could just update every time I start a new book.

So for the time being, here's what I'm reading: The Art of Deception

A little housecleaning

Changed two links: alex now goes to his new Blogspot address, and aroon's been temporarily removed.

Speaking of: Where the hell did that crazy brown man go? He hasn't answered an IM or a phone call.