Quakecon photos are up!

Click here to get straight into the show. Once Aroon finally comes back from the moon or wherever the hell he is and gets pure imaginary back up, he'll be putting up the memoirs post. But for now, enjoy some pictures through the eyes of blakerson and our friends at [SSB].

Photos are on the way

I still haven't gotten the Quakecon 2004 album up, and for that I apologize. It's coming soon, I promise.

Also to be added might be a new shot from the UT campus under the photography session, since today was the first football game of the year and I got some good pics.

Music isn't making me happy

Every day I walk into Men's Chorus rehearsal, it feels like Longhorn Singers are just outside the door laughing at me for missing auditions. They get to travel, they have fun outside of rehearsals, they have *good* parties, and they even have people of the opposite sex.

I totally screwed myself over.

Other developments

1. I miss coffeehouses. If you're in Austin and you're a fan of chillin at Starbucks/Metro/Spiderhouse, please give me a ring. I really need a high-quality cookie.

2. I'm possibly coming to Lubbock (oh god save me now) for the UT-Tech game, since Men's Chorus might be doing a joint show with the Tech choir on the same weekend. And I was flippin' out about going to Hawaii with a different group. Psh. So, Kracker, Erin, and anyone else who's in Lubbock or feels like going, let's get something together.

Too much free time

So now that I'm posting this I'm sure to jinx myself, but I have quite a lot of free time so far. Of the five academic classes I'm taking, I'm only working in three on a regular basis. Philosophy's got some demanding reading, Japanese is naturally a lot of work, and I have to do some reading just about daily for Economics. History of Western Music is a fairly effortless class, as is Texas Government, but I'll have to study both of those a bit before exams come along.

The big difference here is that I'm used to seriously working in 4 or 5 classes at a time. And when one of my three working classes is actually pretty painless (Econ, readings are crazy short), it leaves me with a *lot* of spare time. Way more than I'm used to as a college student. And instead of doing what I should be doing (catching up on music or gaming), I'm attempting to be social. I'm doing the same sort of rounds that I did at the very start of last year - check the rooms that have lots of people and see if there's anyone to talk to.

At the very least, I'm spending more time off the computer. I deserve kudos for that, because only I can prevent forest fires carpal tunnel.