Why I Love the EFF


This is a transcript of a speech given by Cory Doctorow of the EFF on Digital Rights Management, or DRM. If you have downloaded an MP3, used iTunes, Winamp, VLC, or any DVD player (software or hardware) in your life, this article is relevant to you.

It's an argument against Microsoft not to so heavily pursue DRM in the form of a) music copying and b) the shady-sounding Palladium "trusted computing" technologies that are expected in the next release of Windows.

Check it out.

Fun with Match.com

I gave in today and made a profile to avoid doing my 5 minutes of homework. It's not publicly viewable or anything, but I was interested in their little tests after a second-degree blog friend (one linked from Emily) posted her results of the kind of people the computer thought she found most/least attractive - and it was right, according to her. So after answering many many questions and a thousand mouse clicks, here's what we've found:

1% of women are very attracted to my personality.

I am average in how I run my life (spontaneously or very planned) and average in the balance between head and heart. I'm more shy and introverted than average.

Only 7% of men share my habits, beliefs, and values.

You're looking for a woman who's smart, insightful, and has an insatiable curiosity about life. The two of you could share a very interesting and exciting intellectual connection. Getting closer emotionally takes time, since she's an independent and sometimes shy person by nature. But she's worth the effort to get to know! Your best strategy is to see her "in action" when you go out with friends but still find quiet time with her to talk. You'll discover she's a good conversationalist, especially if you get her talking about books, current events, or any of her many interests and hobbies.

She has her eye on the future and has big goals and dreams for what she wants out of life. She doesn't get overly emotional during disagreements and would rather talk things out calmly and rationally. She understands the importance of feeling safe and secure in a relationship and often reminds you of her commitment and how she feels.

9% of women fit my type.

Her tendency to get a little jealous won't bother you too much and at times may even be flattering. When she says something that comes across a little harsh or insensitive, you typically can overlook it because you know she didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

I have more of a sex drive than my ideal girl, but she'll be a little more adventurous.

This girl I find very attractive:

This girl is Not My Type:

Unique Tastes In Women: You are open to seeing a variety of women as attractive. Sure, women with "movie star" good looks catch your eye, but you are often equally wowed by more normal "cute" women. You are not one to judge people based on their looks. In fact, you're genuinely drawn to women that others might dismiss. Maybe it's because you don't buy into society's checklist for "mainstream" attractiveness. Instead, you notice unique features like a cute nose, beautiful eyes, or a cute butt, that make some women special in your eyes. For you, attraction is about the total package.

Your choices show a consistent interest in a wide variety of Asian women. These women really stood out to you as being very appealing.
Your choices did not show a strong interest in Black women of African descent. The majority of your interests were in other races.
Your choices show a definite interest in Hispanic and Latino women. Their appeal to you depends on a variety of features that you find particularly attractive.

You seemed especially interested in women with brown eyes.
By your choices, you've shown that you're open to women who wear glasses.

You preferred women to have nice average-sized lips; not too thin and not too full. Even though thicker lips are more popular, you were not especially drawn to them. Perhaps it's because you like very natural-looking women, without a lot of makeup.

Although you liked women with a variety of hair styles, you seemed to have a special interest in women with straight hair. Wavy and curly hair is nice, but you'd rather run your fingers through luxurious straight hair.
You liked women with a variety of hair cuts, but you gave special attention to women with long hair. You seem to really appreciate women with beautiful hair.

Wow, this stuff is fun. I guess I was right about my type.

The day is coming

Doom3 looks like it might just make an August 3rd release date. Not only did two retailers get that date on the same day (probably from Activision), but Quakecon has been keeping too quiet for nothing to be going on. They've (as of now) scheduled absolutely no tournaments, which is absolutely unheard of since they started running big-money competitions. If anyone has an "in" with id, it's the Quakecon staff - so expect a surprise Doom3 tournament.

But that's not even important. The real day will be for Half-Life2. Gotta love stuff like this:

Go to this address: http://www.half-life2.com/secret/pwn3d/
Login: valve
password: 437N452
View source. Make sure you scroll all the way down.

Meanwhile, look at the Valve studio dry-erase board here. In order to make such a complex teaser, look at what's been cut from the game recently (we can only pray for a Director's Cut release later on).