Developments during a visit home

Nick's done it again, the damned genius. Click here to hear the full preview of the new BT album "Emotional Technology." It's very much in the same vein as BT's most popular American release, Movement in Still Life. It's best to download that playlist file and open it up from your PC.

I got bored the other night and picked up my guitar. Then this morning, I did it again. It's been a lot of fun, surprisingly. It definitely feels like a challenge that can take a very long time to make progress with, and that's just what I've been needing for a while. I'm most surprised at my sudden ability to play and sing a few bars at the same time. I couldn't do that back in my Punk Band Phase of freshman year. I'm really getting into this music thing. Now I've just gotta find some piano music to play too and I'll have too much fun lined up for any time. The tips of my right fingers hurt like hell but it's definitely worth it.

Today's my last day at work. I was originally planning to work next week but I've decided it's time for a vacation. Four hours in the office to go and I'm done with this kind of work for good. I need something with more adventure, sorry.

Andie's made it! She'll soon be steering a whole generation of teenage girls in the right direction. Praise be. (Note that the reviews are written by one Andrea Grimes - that would be her.)

Life at 100 mph

Tuesday morning: I disappeared to Oklahoma to see to my family. My grandmother was very close to dying, and my grandfather had just gotten out of the hospital (having gone under thinking she was getting better). The plug was pulled early in the afternoon, and I stayed that night with my brother.

Wednesday: I went to see my grandfather for the first time in a couple years. His house was a zoo with the presence of my whole family (my father the notable exception). I rushed back home to see to work matters.

Thursday: My last day of work. Afterwards, I'm headed back to Oklahoma and another night with my brother.

Friday: Grandmother's funeral, return home.

Friday night - weekend: Cover CPL as much as possible (if anyone wants to go to Dallas with me to visit, give me a ring) and meet a chick for coffee.

I'm gone

I'm posting from Oklahoma - so for those of you who can't see that I'm logged on from a mobile (*cough* EMILY AND AMIT *cough*) I still can't respond to your messages. I'm gone until further notice.

Being scared.

After a very comfortable summer, it's kind of unsettling experiencing stress once more. My father and his complete family is becoming a major source of this stress, and it's aggrevating. My stupid skank stepmom is walking all over my dad more and more every day to the point where he has no soul left. On top of that, both his parents are dying, so I'm probably headed to a funeral within the coming week should they choose to pull the plug. After that, poor old grandfather won't have anything left to live for. It's just bad timing. Normally I wouldn't mind these kinds of things, but it's all happening right as the end-of-last-summer insanity is picking up - the final parties with good friends, a leisurely visit from my brother, the easing-into-college things like camp. Between work and all these things, it's making me scared I'm going to miss something big, some kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I didn't think I'd find myself here, but I'm going to be scared to leave. When I graduated I just thought it'd be a fun-filled summer with the usual folks then off I go, and I'll see them again when I come home. But now it's different. That fun-filled summer became more fun than I expected. Now those usual folks are the closest friends and some of the best ones I could ask for. They say that you're not truly thankful until what you have is gone - but I was thankful to have these friends. I was thankful on nights when I was just surrounded by friends - nights after a lonely Christmas, the enormous gaming parties, the prom, the barbecues of summer. But now the end's in sight - and when I sit here in my office and think about how I could be wasting time playing Halo with everyone else it makes me depressed. But when I'm around the amigos it doesn't become a sob-fest like all those silly fake girls do around graduation time. It's just another night with the amigos. As if the group will always exist and there will always be a summer night to spend doing nothing useful but still just having fun. So I just wanted to say to you guys:

I'm going to miss all of you.

If you're coming along with me to Austin, I'm happy. Maybe you'll change, or I'll change, but it's not like people like us suddenly turn antagonistic or unfriendly. Maybe we won't see each other every night, or every week, for that matter. But at least we're still there. Maybe I'll make an appearance at one of the clubs you're in, or maybe you'll come see me sing, and the amigo-ness will just continue on, where every conversation picks up where it left off before.

If you're not coming with me, then that's where things get unpredictable. There's no doubt we'll all come home and get together on the first Thanksgiving and Christmas. And we'll all be amused with ourselves and each other but we'll all still have good times. But what about the second Christmas, the third? I can only hope the 'net keeps us all together, because even though they say high school friendships break down, we're different. We were all at the head of the class for a reason, and it's not always pure book smarts. It's because we see through things better than others. It's not like the groups of friends who have partying or sports in common can go from playing Nintendo to discussing the finer points of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance in a matter of seconds. It's that wisdom, that intangible connection, that permanently binds people. We have the unique potential of staying together since we're all such balanced people. Think of the possibilities - more friends, more networking, maybe someday we'll all interchange our friends and find significant others and become a 100-strong cast of Friends. Our time together is quickly coming to an end, and we've got to do something to fix it.

And if you think I neglect you or don't care about you because I don't IM you, please don't take offense or think you've been ditched. I'm just quiet at heart.

By the way...

John Mayer's show was an absolutely great one. I had high expectations and even those were completely blown away. The man's just an insanely talented musician. I don't think I could ever hope to have his kind of skill or creativity. His new songs weren't disappointing at all, his guitar solo work was incredible, and his improvisation is just plain superior to everyone.

-He stopped "Come Back to Bed" to play some solos in the styles of different musicians. "Here's what BB King would play," he said, going into a bluesy sort of style. He stopped again. "Here's what Stevie Ray would play," as the blues became infused with a little more classic rock. "Here's what Jimi Hendrix would play" and he went completely apeshit on his fretboard, bending his strings inhumanly far. Then he went back to his cute little ballad.
-On the intro to "83" he played a few chords on the guitar then quickly switched to the keyboard and improvised on that. One man, two instruments. Just plain cool.
-At some point (don't remember where or what song) he improved in a way high falsetto - then he started playing high on the guitar in harmony with himself.
-On a new song in the encore he stopped and asked the crowd a favor. He asked them to join in singing him in this repeated line. He sang it a few times until the crowd caught on and kept going. He then sang on top of all of us, using the crowd as his backup.

I mean, damn. What a show, what a musician. Can't wait for him to come back through.