UT room assignment!

For all of the 4 people that care, I got my dorm assignment online (you can grab it in UT Direct early, letters are arriving this week). And the verdict is:

Blanton 009.

So I'm on the first floor of the *only* honors dorm that doesn't have a sink in the room. Go fig. You don't get your roommate info online, that has to come in the mail, but at least you'll know where you is.

Someone is gonna die.

Here's the requisite AP scores post:

Physics B 3 (WTF??)
English Lit 3 (sigh)
Spanish Language 4
Calculus BC ---

See those dashes? I didn't get a score back for Calc BC. None. As if I hadn't taken it. Philip, a guy from my class at Oakridge, didn't get his BC score either. So, Oakridge fucked up hardcore and as a result I lost a semester of Calculus, as did 3 other people. Physics B and Lit are useless - I got the credit for the exact same UT classes by getting a 710 on SAT II Physics last year and 3 on English Language, respectively. Spanish Language got me out of the two intro semesters, but a 5 would have gotten me 16 hours instead of 10. All in all, I'm going into UT with 41 hours and sophomore standing.

Free Slurpee Day!

Yes! Consider it fair warning, kids. Tomorrow (July 11th, or 7/11) is Free Slurpee Day at 7-11 stores nationwide. Just to make sure I've gotten the point across...

snagger64 (5:46:21 PM): tomorrow is free slurpee day
Cheetah200 (5:55:06 PM): werd, where at?
snagger64 (5:55:25 PM): where does one go to get a slurpee, aroon?

snagger64: why, its free slurpee day!
oh holy stars: where?
snagger64: the place where you usually get slurpees..

snagger64 (5:47:03 PM): tomorrow is free slurpee day
indigoreeds (5:49:42 PM): where?
snagger64 (5:50:12 PM): where does one get slurpees, thomas?