
CD-quality net radio is the music of the gods.

Netmusique is the place to go if you're into techno of low or moderate energy. Jazzmusique is the best downtempo stream I've ever heard - stuff like Mark Farina's mixes and Thievery Corporation get played here all the time. Housemusique is for high-energy listeners who realize that 'high-nrg' trancy happy i've-had-too-much-exstacy techno is trash - here are some more serious beats that deserve more playtime. Still a bit mellow in tune but with a lot more adrenaline than Jazzmusique. Mostly unknown artists.

Oh, and broadband's required. If you've got a decent connection, head on over with your copy of Winamp3 and enjoy.


I had a brilliant idea last night. But I wasn't at the computer. From now on I'm going to have a notepad next to my bed so I can jot down all these brilliant rants to nobody and maybe someone will think I'm an insightful person for it. There's something about writing, something like athletics that relates to the psyche of the performer. Like the athlete, the writer has to get "in the zone" to do his or her own best. I've done some of my most inspired, most quickly-finished reports while dancing back and forth in my chair while techno music rocks on in the background. I'm doing the same right now as I wait for a sportscar to arrive to take me to Fry's for tonight's festivities since I'm kind of in a hurry. And to compensate for the fact that I was purely inspired 24 hours ago but now can't for the life of me remember what it was about the sentences that ran through my head connected like a $1,000 platinum-and-gold luxury jigsaw puzzle. It was political, it blasted people I didn't like, and it was extremely jaded. Nobody would have liked reading it anyway - but in 75 years it would have counted as one of the essential writings of the pre-World War III era.

The way my thoughts bounced around my head last night had the same brilliance as a Dennis Miller rant on a good night. Maybe I've got a career as one of the future Mahers or Millers of the world - speaking of which, I'm buying Bill Maher's new book because it's damned genius, every word of it. Imagine what would happen if the liberals used the same kind of aggressive rhetoric that the conservatives did. And yet every word was interjected with a brilliant logic that hasn't been so clear since the Greeks.

Buy it now.


Googlism thinks I'm the following:

blake is key that drives maryland
blake is disheartened but hopeful
blake is looking for her
blake is terrified wife's killer
blake is denied bail hearing for now
blake is escorted into la police headquarters
blake is worth the price
blake is first piece in saints' jigsaw puzzle
blake is going for oj defense at news
blake is not particularly durable
blake is the best
blake is "fast asleep
blake is leaving behind
blake is born
blake is playing
blake is going for oj defense
blake is terrified wife's killer may be after his daughters
blake is denied bail hearing for now by jean guccione
blake is escorted into police headquarters in downtown los angeles on april 18 after he was arrested for investigation of murder in connection
blake is congratulated by andre agassi at the legg mason tennis classic
blake is outjumped by macclesfield town's kyle lightbourne
blake is centennial professor of psychology
blake is known as a man of character
blake is a really lovely name
blake is held by the estate of david v
blake is arrested in shooting death of wife
blake is one of the major romantic poets
blake is best known as justin the blue power ranger
blake is a member of the faculty of both the university of the arts in philadelphia and the manhattan school of music in new york
blake is passe
blake is a jazz musician who seems to have a limitless musical vocabulary
blake is a fudge packer with a pin
blake is also targeting john locke
blake is 15 years old and is in 9th grade this year
blake is committed to reaching out to alumni families
blake is hanging in and holds serve but now he must hope for a lapse in concentration from his opponent that might help him get back
blake is a poop head
blake is arrested in connection with the slaying
blake is idealistic
blake is not certain who he is
blake is born in soho
blake is named a director of rhino publications limited
blake is older and/or more senior to ivan
blake is asking ivan to explain why he has made these investments
blake is acclaimed one of england's great figures of art and literature and one of the most inspired and original painters of his time
blake is a primary focus of the investigation now
blake is currently the past president of the association for information systems
blake is famous for getting out in the nick of time
blake is dramatising the fall from los's perspective
blake is a poet for an old man
blake is a beautiful 9 lb 4 yr old white pekingese boy
blake is innocent
blake is completing his third varsity season for the "warriors"
blake is now the first ceo of the us olympic committee and in marching into his first games on the
blake is president of the association of california water agencies and a member of its executive committee
blake is an outlaw
blake is frequently referred to as a mystic
blake is in jail and unavailable to help him prepare the case
blake is not responsible for bonny lee bakley? the unfortunate question
blake is 14 years old and is in 9th grade this year
blake is somewhat lacking in comparison
blake is on a planet he'd left a message for the crew he's oh so sorry gan is gone now and no longer sure what he can do
blake is also the director of the american federation of teachers breast and cervical cancer project
blake is not a flight risk and is not a danger to society
blake is a member of the american dietetic association and the massachusetts dietetic association
blake is going to be a solid nba player
blake is my special furry companion
blake is the 342nd most popular male first name in the united states; frequency is 0
blake is renown as a poet
blake is like a genius?" the man replied
blake is one of the 12
blake is truly an angel sent from god for me to watch over instead of to watch over me
blake is a fictional detective crying out to be rediscovered in the 21st century
blake is hopelessly pleasant
blake is perhaps best known for his work on binocular perception
blake is everything the atp tour wants its players to be
blake is nothing if not light
blake is writing one day and has
blake is invited on talk shows
blake is recaptured and put on trial for crimes against children
blake is in custody is irrelevant
blake is playing for the first time since february
blake is an accountant from cleveland who travels to the frontier community of machine sometime during the latter half of the 19th century
blake is a bit bemused at his success
blake is doomed from the start

Apparently I'm a renaissance man.


I like AIM.
In the last two days I've been surprise IM'd by three people: Stacie (Soph's friend, she's way cool), Kelly (Kelley?), one of the more philosophical people I've met in recent times, and CPT MilkManDan, a strange character from the world of gaming. I've seen Dan's name all over the local scene, usually just registered for LAN parties and stuff like that. Never have hung out with the guy. He reminded me that I competed against him in a Quake tournament back in last June. It's absolutely mind-blowing to look back on the last 3 years and see what gaming has done for my life. I want to go back to it. Rededication comes this summer.


Which OS are You?

So if all goes well, I'll be loading up "younger brother" Win98 on a new, old laptop courtesy Mike tomorrow. The bastard's owed me that computer for a year. If I remember rightly it has a DVD drive so it'll make a fun little companion to San Antonio if it magically starts working with the battery it has. More than likely it'll need a few weeks' surgery before I can start doing anything with it. But still, it'll be fun/trendy/hip to have a laptop of my very own, even if just for word processing / wireless networking / Counter-Strike.

I'm getting a CS laptop so I can quickly pack it up and run if the gangs come after me in the gaming cafes. Sad circumstances we live in.

Thought of the week: if major reforms don't happen in Washington in the next ten years (*cough*, ahem, repeal the USA PATRIOT Act anyone?), I will probably leave the country, either for Canada or England.