This is what I do instead of studying

In this thread, I review Pepsi Summer Mix.

I spotted this "limited time only" drink in the store today and figured what the hell. It claims to feature "a mix of tropical fruit flavors," but I didn't quite know what to expect. Coke, after all, has tried new drink after new drink and failed miserably.

But this drink ain't half bad. Imagine mixing your Pepsi with a pinch of fruit punch, and you have the idea. The resulting drink is rather sweet, but it takes the edge off the usual taste of Pepsi. It's hard to pin down what "tropical fruit flavors" there are in there; it just tastes like tropical. And yes, I am finishing that sentence with an adjective. Deal with it.

Also, this drink will mix with alcohol very well. Throw some of this in a glass with some coconut rum, and add a tee-tiny splash of grenadine, and offer it to a couple ladies and you'll have a SEXY PARTY going in no time flat. Like Men's Wearhouse, I guarantee it.

Overall grade? A. It's not a life-changing drink, and it's not an event like a Jones Soda may be, but I'd drink it again.

After all, I do still have 1.95 liters of this bottle to finish.

The awkwardness is stifling.

Tonight, like many nights anywhere near the start of May, is a formal night for people in school. In particular, I'm off to the Orange & White Ball - basically UT's prom-like thing. I'm dolled up, I have a date, and I haven't left to pick up 'the girls' because 'the girls' have taken much longer than necessary to get themselves ready.

Normally, this would be an exciting evening, but it's had a bit of a damper put on it. My amigo Andru - a friend of JA, for a while an officer of TGA, and one of my own students when I taught on video games - killed himself a couple nights ago, and the news went public today. Apparently he got into a fight with his girlfriend (also a friend), left her place, went for a drive (he was a car guy), then went home and offed himself.

So now we have a party tonight accompanied by the somber occasion of paying our respects for Andru. But it's undeniably awkward.

It would be one thing if he went for a drive and was plowed by a semi. But how are we supposed to celebrate the life of a man who didn't value his own?

Thanks to the slowness of 'the girls,' I'll be showing up late to this ceremony. And for that I truly feel bad. It's not like I'll be there wearing a symbolic blue ribbon, but I am dressed in black for the ball. I'm honestly there for my JA family, because I may be of some help or modicum of comfort to them.

So apparently tonight's a celebration, like many other nights right around the start of May. But something tells me most people won't be in the mood to party.

Say hi to my new toy

MacBook Pro 17".

I think I'm in love.

It was just part of a lovely weekend. Mom came into town to see me at UT Honors Day (I got graduation cords along with thousands of other students, whee), so she was in a good mood to see me being honored. As such, I got the MacBook, a fine sushi dinner at my fave place Maiko, and lunch today at Hula Hut on her tab. (The MBP is my graduation present, and I'm happy about it.)

Life is nifty.

Also: Japanese music is now purchaseable on iTunes. I bought my fave m-flo album just to support the idea - and a 17 track album for $10 is a good deal.

If you want to find some new music, and need something that's got electronic, hip-hop, and jazz all in one, get this. There's nothing like it outside of Japan.