Google prevails again

I've finally switched my photo hosting to where it should have been along: Picasa Web Albums. Finally, Google bothered to put together a web photo-sharing program that integrates flawlessly into their awesome Picasa photo-management program. I've got my albums from 2006 up, and I'll put the older ones up come some rainy day.

Until then, enjoy my new albums. Lots of fun activities from JA, an Imogen Heap concert, and more.

Still alive

It's just that summer's kinda slow, and I don't have much to say at the moment. I did visit Austin and Oklahoma, both of which were interesting in different ways. I hate visiting my brother now that he's married. It was that awful "this shouldn't be a marriage" situation, and it looks like it's here to stay. My sister-in-law, now that she is such, might hate me.

But for what it's worth, it's almost the 4th of July, and in less than 2 weeks I'm headed back to Austin for much greatness.

What's goin on?

So my summer's moving slowly. I'm enjoying it, don't get me wrong, but there's a lack of high adventure that's going to get to me sooner or later. Thankfully, that's what my travel schedule is for. I'll be in:

Austin: June 15th-19th
Random places in Oklahoma: June 23rd-28th
NYC: Sometime in July

It appears California has fallen off the map, because I need to time my trip out there with my law school apps for schmoozing purposes. Since I don't know when I'm applying (I may apply from Japan to show some real-world experience, etc.), that complicates things a lot.

In any case, here's what I'm doing here:
-LSAT practice (I've improved! I wouldn't have been ready for yesterday's test, but I'm moving along nicely)
-Playing with my new DS Lite
-Reading. Voraciously. It's really helped my scores, so long as I read the right material.

No LSAT for me.

Until September 30th, that is.

I delayed my taking of the test because I'm just not ready to take it in a week. I'd bomb it, which would kill my chances of law school - basically, for a whitey like me to get in to the places I want to go, I need to break a 166 *at least* - and to go to great places, I need to be in the 170s. Thankfully, I have GPA on my side, and I'm thinking of waiting to apply until I've left the country, so I'll appear more mature.

What does this mean? I have more relaxation time! I need to study all summer, but I can do less of it per week. It also means, Austin and NYC in the next two weeks, cause that's when flights are cheap.