Quiz time!

Blame everyone whose journal I've read lately.

TEN Random Things About Me:
10. My friends use my laptop more than I do.
9. I've paid for one CD for myself in the last 4 years.
8. I was dropped as a baby.
7. My dad blames *me* for having been dropped.
6. I was born in California.
5. I thought the University of Texas was the *last* place I'd end up. Quoth my high school freshman alter-ego, "what a hick school, why would I stay in Texas?"
4. I have never finished a Final Fantasy game on my own.
3. I haven't been weighed in years. I think it's still around 180.
2. Every time I brush my teeth, my childhood friends who lived across the street from me come to mind. I can't explain why.
1. I really, really can't stand seafood. At all.

NINE things I absolutely have to have:
9. Cell phone, although most times I call other people.
8. Dr. Pepper - caffeine addiction got me bad.
7. Watch, I feel naked without it.
6. Chap stick, I go insane without it.
5. Wallet, I get paranoid without it.
4. Hugs.
3. Car keys, see wallet.
2. Chinese food
1. Email.

EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
8. See Japan.
7. Drive the Nurburgring. Beat 10 minutes.
6. Drive Highway 1.
5. Return to Hawaii.
4. Write a book.
3. Get married. Never get divorced.
2. Own a race-level car.
1. Have 15 minutes.

SEVEN ways to win my heart:
7. Brains.
6. Beautiful smiles.
5. Dark hair and eyes.
4. Loads of maturity.
3. Music.
2. Being a good kisser never hurts.
1. If you laugh at the same twisted things I do, you win.

SIX Things I believe in:
6. Myself.
5. Love at first sight.
4. Gay marriage ain't that bad, really.
3. Karma.
2. International cooperation.
1. Things working out in the end.

FIVE Things I’m afraid of:
5. Not being successful.
4. Animals.
3. Being alone forever.
2. Death.
1. Storms, sometimes.

FOUR of my favorite items in my bedroom:
4. Bed.
3. Computer.
2. Picture of pre-skank Michelle Branch.
1. The pimp robe.

THREE things I do everyday:
3. Brush my teeth - usually once but I have a Sonicare so it's ok.
2. Drink something caffeinated.
1. Listen to badass music.

TWO things I am trying not to do right now:
2. Think about my philosophy final tomorrow morning at 9am.
1. Evidently, properly replace Erin's answers with my own.

ONE person I want to see right now:
1. Claire Potter - if for some strange reason you see this, I miss you!


My sexy arse, Joshvar, Ruthie and Renee unwittingly become my guinea pigs for posting pictures online directly to the blog.

Edit: That went well. Expect to see more random picture posts in the future.

I need something to do on Saturday nights

I thought it a good idea to stay in tonight so I would get some decent rest and get some quality studying in tomorrow for my philosophy final (last one!) on Monday. Sure enough, it's 1AM, I'm still wide awake, and there's not a damn thing to do since my buds all went out to a concert.

So I surfed around until I wound up on Drew's blog, and I'm once again impressed with the quality of his posts. The Kool-Aid Man picture is golden, and his entry about life at OU (even though it is OU) is good stuff. Over the last couple weeks, I've started to feel the same way:

I don't want to leave here.

Not that it won't be awesome chillin, coffee sippin, lanning, and partying with the A-town crowd, but I've finally settled myself down here. The figurative tree that is blakerson has finally had its roots take hold in the ground after being transplanted. I'm even used to the taste of the tap water.

A lot of this has to do with the fact that I signed my lease for my apartment next year. It's going to be myself, Adam (linked on right), and the Brothers McMillin, both of whom fucking rule. I'm not going to get any sleep, and I'll be cranky as shit until it finally clicks for me that I'm *supposed* to not sleep and enjoy every hour of every day with these guys. Not to mention it's a complex full of Greeks, so it's going to be a constant party around us whether we like it or not. I'm hugely psyched. I'm finally starting to get my own identity on this campus, and it's really pretty damn fun, and pretty damn not fun to have to drop that for a month.

So I've already decided to return to campus the day the dorms re-open along with the aforementioned guys, which is over a week and a half before classes restart, just so we can all waste time together and try to find some cool stuff to do and cool places to go. But that's still 4 weeks and change in A-town, so really guys, don't think I'm shortchanging you or avoiding you or anything.

The whole idea can be put into two songs. In fact, I'll make it a mixed drink of rock. Find a nice glass, no ice necessary, and put in:

Something Corporate - 21 and Invincible, one part
Jimmy Eat World - 23, one part

Hey, imagine that. I found a good use for emo. I guess such things happen when you stay in on a Saturday night.

OK, I give, I give, bring on a girl

I managed to make it a while without needing female contact at all. It was great. No stress, nothing but good things happened, and then December just had to happen and it had more patience than I did and it broke me down, bit by bit. I managed to resist the applause of the girls at Mr. Plan II (which was surprisingly awesome, thank you very much). I held my ground at the after-party.

Then I had to be stupid and go on a date last night. And now it was a slow Saturday night and I felt like bonding and driving around with someone more than anything else. This silly month cheats - that whole holiday thing makes you think everything's more significant than it really is.

But there's not a whole lot I can do about it. I'm still keeping my eyes peeled for mistletoe, even if I try to avoid it. Ugh.

Yes Hars..

We will play Halo2. Until then, add me (blakerson) to your friends list and I'll get it confirmed once I get home to my very own box.

And that is a perfect segue for the announcement: I get home Tuesday the 14th.