More of that weekend..

What a truly crazy weekend I survived.

I already wrote about Thursday night, but it's worth noting that that was the first time I really technically went out on a Thursday night. Really wasn't that bad, nor was it that bad on Friday.

Friday night was a Plan II party at the P2 house. Lots of hilarious costumes, a hugely hoppin' dance floor, and even a few serious hotties. Pics may or may not go up depending on how many I can scrape together - my own camera didn't go to the party. But I know I definitely didn't get home until about 4AM. A sign of a quality night.

Saturday night was a random frat party in West Campus. Kinda lame, but the company (a handful of freshman architecture majors - long story) was great.

And Sunday night - wow. I didn't go out but it was definitely the highlight of my weekend. Let me backtrack for a sec.

A couple weeks ago, I was leaving the cafeteria to go to class when this girl walked in my path, gave me a quick glance, then turned back and completely looked me square in the eye and smiled. I was feeling brave, so on the way to class I walked up and just introduced myself. Completely outta nowhere. When I reached my class I got her email address and moved on, thinking it was a good start to a day.

A few days later, while between different classes, I bump into the same girl (her name's Jessica) in the government building, and she nicely mentions that she wanted to give me a shout to have dinner a few nights before, but had no way of contacting me. So we traded phone numbers and went along on our merry ways again.

That weekend, I gave her a call and asked if she wanted to grab something to eat. She was out of town but thought it was "really sweet" of me - here I thought I just had a cool idea. But it got interesting when she called me back a couple hours after she got home. She wanted to drop by for a minute and give me a Halloween treat (no, no, it wasn't a giggity moment) and 'tell me something.' That part just confused the hell outta me. I've talked to this girl three times in my life and she has a bomb to drop. That minute ended up turning into a couple hours (still not giggity).

The treat turned out to be some snacks and candy - which flattered me a lot. Then her bomb to drop was that she had always had an eye on me since last year and went on gushing to all her friends about my apparent cuteness after we actually met. Completely outta nowhere. At this point, my jaw was on the floor - this girl is pretty cute herself, she seemed to be quite into me, and she's evidently really sweet. At that point, she decided to drop another bomb: she's had the same boyfriend for five years. That's just plain nuts.

Now, I've learned my lesson about trying to steal girls, so nothing's going to happen with this chica, but I can say that I think it'll be really good to have her around anyway. Either way, it was a hell of a way to finish the weekend.

Dear October:

What happened to you? You were supposed to be mild and a nice transition month from summer to winter.

Instead, on Halloween it was a little warm, and by the night of November 1st, it was freakin' cold. Today, Election Day, is pretty damn chilly here in Austin - I went from a short sleeve t-shirt to a long-sleeve sweater and a jacket.

Welcome to winter, I suppose. Or this will last a few more days and then it'll get hot again. But more importantly, the fate of the free world hangs in the balance today. My life's been seriously awesome lately, but that's all going to take a backseat tonight and for the weeks to come.

Best of luck to us all, America.