Just for clarification (The official rules on day and night)

Here are the rules for days and dates. Something so simple shouldn't be so complicated, but every damn time someone says at the stroke of midnight "Hey! It's (insert next day of the week here)!" I just want to hit them. Hard. So, without further adieu, here are the rules:

At the stroke of midnight, the next day has not begun. If you went out on a Friday night and you're still out after midnight, it's still Friday night. Even if you stay in, it's still Friday night until you crash out. If you are part of a collective, it is not the next day until the overwhelming majority of the group has crashed (i.e., lans).

The other rule is that the next day officially begins when the sun rises.

Questions about the rules are welcome, but if you have issues with them you can suck it, but after midnight tonight.

Cocaine and Mozilla

Greg's newest post is hi-larious. Go read it. And promptly get into the cocaine trade.

I really think I've been hooked on Mozilla. I tried Firefox over Spring Break and loved it: minimalist interface, Google access, maximum screen space, easy migration from IE. Next time I format I'll probably switch over.

A lose-lose scenario

So the people around me this week have realized something isn't quite right. I'm really, really edgy. Well, it's because I have a research paper to do, and I hate having research papers hanging over my head. That alone is the kind of thing I can get over once I make some progress, but then the bad news came along and it turns out my grandfather died earlier this week. (Consolation comments aren't necessary.) So that made things worse because I was going to put some effort this weekend into that paper of mine, and then the weekend disappeared since I'd be going to Oklahoma for a funeral. Well, turns out the funeral is on Friday and not Saturday. Even worse. So, really, I had a choice to make:

Go to the funeral and miss the Something Corporate concert, an experience I was really looking forward to as a) a good show b) good bonding time with all these wonderful folks here on campus c) an all-around memorable college experience.
Stay here, work away, see Something Corporate, and probably feel a small pang of guilt for the rest of my life for not having gone to this funeral, this one-time event to pay my final respects to a truly good guy who's going to be missed.

That said, my bags are packed and I'm leaving this afternoon. I'll be back here late Friday night. I want to say a big I'm sorry to the people whose heads I've ripped off over the last few days, because chances are you didn't deserve it. (Except Jeff, who tried to grab my manboobies.)

Photos are up

Spring Break 04 can now be found on files.snagger.org by clicking that link over there -> on the right. I took a picture of my setup just because all the other techies did, and that's thrown in with the road trip to Padre, some of the chillins that happened there, the trip home - oh, and there's a surprise or two from my Spring Break and from Soph (but she'd kill me if I ruined her element of surprise). So go check 'em out.

Oh yeah, before I forget. This album doesn't have a thumbnail / caption page, so I just renamed all of the pictures as a kind of caption. My apps backup CD apparently went to shit so I've gotta get my hands on Dreamweaver MX all over again. Sorry if this bugs any of you - and if it doesn't, then I might start always doing it this way.